Chapter 13

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When she was out by the corridor, Alexander had caught up with her and he lifted her up once more as she tried to break loose.

He closed their door and locked it as he set her down, "Stop with the bullshit Julia."

"Stop what? You said I could go out, then get shocked when I do."

"You think it is okay for you to go out like that?"


"Are you a slut?"

"Well, I guess Ava is one too."

Alexander narrowed his gaze, "That did you say?" he sounded dangerously calm, "I said that makes one, Ava is one too."

"Do you think she does what you do?"

"I mean I'm dressed up in a bikini technically, so no problem."

"Don't you ever compare Ava to you again."

She scoffed, "Then don't you ever call me one."


"If you can dish it out, then you have to be able to take it."

Julia waited to see what Alexander would do next, when would he leave? Yet he went and came back from his closet dressed up in his briefs only.

He switched off the lights, and only the bed lamps were the only lights on.

Her heart sank when he climbed into bed and started to read some papers and she knew that he would not be leaving and she was stuck here.

She took off her shoes and climbed into bed,

"Go get changed."

Julia rolled her eyes, went under the blanket, and relished at the fact that Alexander had fire in his eyes when he had seen her getting in bed with only her lingerie.

She pushed off the blanket and was left bare, she felt the blanket was over her once more, so she threw it off, "Stop it, I'm hot, and I will sleep as I please."

"Do you have to be childish?"

"Yes, if that means I can go to sleep without overheating."

"You and I both know better."

"Then what is the problem? I thought you had Ava only, so I should not be a problem right?"

"It's not."

"Great can't wait for you to leave again."

Alexander climbed on top of her, "Well I won't be gone anytime soon."

He reached for the lamp and switched off the lights.

The following days that came Alexander made sure to stay home for the entire day and night, and she made up a lot of excuses to Blake.

Julia shifted awake, and Alexander was not beside her, and checked the time it was nearly one in the morning.

She snuck out and went to his work office as there was a light from there, she peaked in and there was Ava seated on top of him as they spoke.

Julia went back to bed and stayed awake, she acted as if she was asleep when Alexander came back at five in the morning.

Days went by and Julia did the same thing, and realized that is how he did not miss Ava, he was with her.

So she devised a plan, she too would go out during those hours, but she just had to be back before he was.

Days came by and her plan was working amazing,

"I thought I was never going to see you again." Said Blake at the club.

"Me too, he is so full of shit."

"He is, but let's focus on dancing now."

"Shots first."

Blake smiled, "You know the drill."

Days went by and Julia did everything smoothly, going out and coming back before Alexander, and all was working well.

Julia opened her eyes, "Finally you are awake."

It was Alexander and just nodded him off.

"What is going on with you?"

She groaned, "What have I done now?"

"How do you sleep throughout the night and during the whole day? It's two in the afternoon."

"You like to complain so much."

Alexander nodded, "Why do I even bother?"

"It's Saturday tomorrow."

Julia nodded, "I know, the event."

She decided to stay in tonight, and the following day, her hair and makeup were fixed, jewelry on, perfume on, long gown with heels on.

This time she was going there alone, and Alexander would meet her there. Julia climbed out of the car and made her way towards the entrance.

She saw Alexander and as per usual Ava sat across him, and Julia started heading towards them.

This time she could feel everyone staring at her, and wondered if she had done something wrong. Was something off?

Alexander turned too, and he looked at her up and down, he too seemed to be taken aback, had she embarrassed him?

She got to their table, and Alexander stood up and kissed her on her shoulder, he opened the chair for her and she sat down.

She looked around for a waiter, so she could get a glass of champagne.


"Yes? Have I done something wrong?"

"You look, um, decent

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