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(A/n: This takes place after ep 3. This where  Cassi and Loona a mother and daughter bonding and Loona learns a little something from Cassi.)

Cassi and Loona are back in their home after today's events as they get ready to relax for the week. Cassi is in the kitchen with an apron on as she brings out the stuff for dinner tonight. Loona comes into the kitchen with changed clothes and sees Cassi as she is getting ready. Loona thinks about what happened today and decides to make up a bit more, even though Cassi forgives her about it.

Loona: "Hey... Cassi?"

Cassi: "*turns to look at her* yes Loony, you need something hun?"

Loona: "Is there anyway I can help you in the kitchen?"

Cassi gets shocked at this and tears up a bit about it. She quickly rubs the tears in her eyes and says,

Cassi: "Sure sweetie."

Loona grabs a big apron and puts it on, Cassi helps Loona putting her hair into a ponytail. They grab the ingredients and started cooking together. Cassi is next to a pot of boiling water as she puts in spaghetti for it to cook and then starts to heat up a pan next to the pot. Loona is chopping up vegetables and placing the chopped veggies on the heated pan. Some time after cooking, they both are now sitting down on the couch, eating dinner as they watch a horror movie.

Loona: "Lady, just go the other way!"

Cassi: "I know right? It like, if they heard something get help instead of being a bitch and going into danger!"

A woman screams as chainsaw sounds are heard and you can hear blood splattering in the background.

Loona: "I'm glad that the bitch died."

Cassi: "Same."

The movie is over and Cassi is cleaning the dishes as Loona is cleaning up the living room.

Cassi: "Was that the best horror movie or what?"

Loona: "Definitely."

As Loona continues to clean the couch, she spots something under the couch. It looked like a book that's called "Memories."

Loona: "Hey, mom? I found something."

Cassi: "*turns to look* What is it sweetie?"

Cassi sees the book but gets a bit shocked and said,

Cassi: "I see you found my old photo book."

Loona: "Photo book?"

Cassi: "*walks over and sits on the couch* Yes, yes, let's have a little look down memory lane. Oh I remember those time."

They both look through the book with some pictures when Cassi was a baby, to child, to teenager and to adult. Loona looks at one picture and asks,

Loona: "Hey, who are those two in the photo with you? That lady just looks like you."

Cassi gasped softly as she looked at the photo of... her mom and her sister. She tears up a bit and said,

Cassi: "They were just... special people I had in my life one. *closes book suddenly* Well! I think that's enough story time! *speed walks to her room*Time to hit the hay! Night Loonie, love you!"

Loona: "Wait-"

Cassi rushes into her room and closes it as she tried to calm down. Once she has, she walked over to her window and opens it to look up at the night stars as she then said,

Cassi: "It's been while since I last saw you, huh? Mom?"

(A/n: I hope you liked this special this took a bit to work on but I managed to get it done! Stay tuned for the next one!)

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