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(A/n: This takes place when child Octavia meets Cassi from Ep 2. I just wanted to add a little something for the flashback, enjoy!)

Back when Cassi used to work at Loo Loo land, she would make balloon shapes or animals to give to people that pass by the tent. Cassi can be seen in a clown outfit and makeup as she stood next to the ballon cart as she watches Robo Fizz do his show. Cassi notices an owl child crying in the crowd, she quickly rushes into the crowd and carries the owl child back to her cart. She quietly and gently shushes the owl child down as she says softly,

Cassi: "Hey, hey, it's ok, you're not near the scary robot, ok?"

The owl child was staring to calm down. Cassi glares at the robot that made the owl child cry, what kind of animatronic makes children cry?

Cassi: "*softly* Hey, you doing ok now?"

Owl child: "*nodding slightly* Mhm."

Cassi thinks of something else to make the owl child feel better. She gets an idea and asks the owl child,

Cassi: "Would you like a balloon animal?"

Owl child: "A... balloon animal?"

Cassi: "Yeah and it'll be free of charge. So what animal do you want?"

Owl child: "Could you actually do a star balloon please?"

Cassi: "A star?"

The owl child nods at that and Cassi realizes she has never done a star balloon shape before, but decides to do it for the owl child's sake. Cassi took out a few balloons just in case as she managed to twist and tie them into a star shaped balloon. She smiles at her accomplishment and first try as she hands the balloon to the owl child. Cassi smiles softly as the owl child is really happy about the star shaped balloon. Cassi whispers to the owl child,

Cassi: "You know, if you keep that smile on, it'll probably might be bright enough to cover the entire cosmos, you got that?"

Owl child: "*nods happily* yes madam and thanks for the balloon!"

The owl child waves goodbye to Cassi as she walks away and Cassi waves back. When the owl child was out of her sight, she wondered,

Cassi: "I wonder whose kid that was?"

What Cassi didn't realize is that the owl child was actually Octavia.

(A/n: I hope you liked that sweet moment, Cassi knows how to comfort a child because she has one of her own.)

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