chapter 13

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Tom pov

I didn't want to leave Adeline alone in the Spa but I knew she was safe and taken care of. I was now at the tattoo store, sitting in the chair while feeling the sharp needle poke through my shoulder

I inhaled the cigarette on my lips, feeling the sensation in my lungs. I exhaled the smoke and sighed

I already have a few tattoos on my body but I want to dedicate one to her


I didn't get this tattoo because I only wanted to. I want it to symbolize that Adeline is also now part of my life, I know it's just a tattoo but I want to show her how much I truly love her

And I know that her real name is Valentina, but I know she wants to stay as Adeline

I've never been so in love and mesmerized by a girl before, I was always the boy who banged girls before taking them to a room with me.

But Adeline made me realize more about my life, she changed me in a good way

And she's the only girl who made me feel who truly I am, not the Tom Kaulitz that my fans watch on the stage, instead. She treats me how I want to be treated

" all done," the guy said in German and gave me a mirror.

I took it and looked at the new tattoo I had on my shoulder, I smiled.

" a special girl, huh? " He asks

while smirking as he starts cleaning his things. I grabbed my sweater and put it on

" very " I added

making him chuckle. I pulled out my wallet and gave him a tip, he smiled and softly bumped my shoulder

" make sure I'm listed on the wedding guest list, " He says making me laugh and shake my head. I headed to the counter and paid

I noticed that the woman was giving me a seductive smile, her voice turning velvet-soft as she tried to show off her chest to me

I scoffed quietly and took my credit card after the payment was done. I walk out of the store and now I just have to go and get Adeline, it's been a while, and I think her appointment is not done yet

Nevertheless, I was excited to show her my new tattoo, I walked inside the Spa, and the kind woman who worked inside greeted me nicely

"Is she done? " I asked the woman and took a seat on the couch

she smiled and nodded her head

" almost, she's just having her nails done " she replies and I nod.

Adeline loves painting her nails but she didn't it to be too long or short, just average and simple.

I waited for her, and when she walked out of the room, and spotted me.

A big smile spread across her face, and her long natural blond stayed, but I noticed she was glowing and relaxed

I stood from the couch and wrapped my arms around her, she giggled softly and pulled away. Looking up at me with those pretty angelic eyes of hers that I love to stare at

" do I look prettier now? " she asks.

I almost laughed at the question, I picked up her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles, noticing her new nails

"Princess, you always look beautiful. And I never get tired of always complimenting my girl " I said softly

she smiled even more and her cheeks turned red. I always love it when I make her blush

I placed a kiss on her cheeks before turning to the counter and paying for everything. We both walk out of the Spa as I hold her hand

Adeline pov

My entire body was now relaxed after that good massage that the lady gave me, they were all nice and kind towards me which I appreciated.

I look up at Tom and I can't see the new tattoo he got. When he noticed that I was starting at him

He looked down at me and chuckled

" What? " he asks

" where's your new tattoo? " I asked, making him smile.

" you'll see later... Did you enjoy your time in the Spa? " he asked

and I nodded. I rambled about the things that they all did to me and while I was talking nonsense, Tom listened while the smile on his face stays

After a while, we decide to get lunch together.

We got to nice nice restaurant where people were quiet and enjoying their food. The place was filled with soft music and it was clean and organized, while I was looking around, I was distracted when feeling Tom's eyes on me again

So I looked back at him and my cheeks turned red again

I opened my mouth to speak until a waiter came to our table and gave us our menu. He looks down at me and smiles

After a few minutes of choosing what we want. We told him our order and I requested that I get my strawberry cake served immediately

" of course, anything else? " he asks while looking at me.

I look back at Tom to see that his glaring at the guy at the guy already

" no, that's all " he barks.

The waiter looked at Tom and rolled his eyes before walking away with our menu

" d-don't be mean, " I said

and Tom didn't say anything. After a while, my strawberry cake was finally served first while they were preparing our food

I excitedly grabbed the small spoon and took a bite of it.

I can't help but not to moan quietly when the flavor is exactly what I wanted, Tom watches me eat and suddenly I feel shy, does he want some too?

So I grabbed his small plate and cut my cake in half, giving him the other half and sliding it in front of him which he gave me a confused look. But I smiled at him

" there, i-i gave you the other half. Oh! Here, have some of the strawberries too " I said and topped his cake with the strawberries. Tom smiles and shakes his head

" thank you princess " he says

Writing this cute chapter for everyone, while I'm here 🤧 my boyfriend ignoring me...

But enjoy!!!!

Valentina | Tom Kaulitz ✓Where stories live. Discover now