chapter 7

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" Addie, someone wants to see you downstairs "

I heard Kate say, I wiped off the tears from my cheeks and got out of my bed. She sent me a small sad smile as I headed downstairs, with each step I took on those stairs I wanted to go back. I was tired, but I kept going

I walked to the living room but I stopped track when I saw the person who I wanted to see this past few days

But now that his here, it just changed

When Tom saw me he stood from the couch, his eyes didn't leave mine as he held the large bouquet in his hand, and he smiled at me. But I saw the pain and sadness in his eyes

" H-hey " he greets

Tears began to pool in my eyes again as I didn't say anything but took the car keys and immediately left the house

" Addie! Addie! Come back! " I heard Kate shout but I didn't listen.

I got inside Uncle Steve's car and drove to the highway, gripping the steering wheel so tight that my knuckles began to turn white as tears didn't stop from spilling

I looked in the mirror and saw his black sports car following me behind, I stepped my foot harder on the pedal.

But my eyes widened and I immediately stopped when he got in front of me so quick

I sat in the car as rain began pouring from the night sky, I got out of the car and let the rain completely cover me, I heard him open his car door but I didn't face him, I wanted to go away where he wouldn't gonna follow me.

" Adeline, what's wrong? " he shouts, I can hear his voice clearly while the heavy rain pours on us. I cried when hearing his voice again

" come on, face me! Don't turn your back on me " Tom continues. And I did, I faced him

" W-why! Why are you making me feel like this? I-im so tired every day thinking about you! I-im so tired of worrying about you Tom! I never stopped worrying about you! I wanted to know if you're safe, I want to know if you're okay! A-and it's frustrating because I haven't got any single answer coming from you since you left! " I shouted while I stared at him

" I want to remember you! I-i want to remember every single memory I had with you and it's frustrating more! Because even how hard I try, nothing is coming back!- w-why did you leave me at the hospital?! Why didn't you try to message or talk to me after you left? " I continued. I couldn't stop crying as Tom looks down at the ground

" i-i felt so lonely when you weren't there. I was so worried!- say something! "

Then he looked up at me and met my eyes

" why? Because I was scared, Adeline! I knew this would happen and I prepared myself! But I didn't know it would turn out to be like this! I tried to be there! I tried to be there for you- b-but seeing you look at me, i-i know the Adeline I knew before, was gone! "

" it was painful to see you look at me differently unlike how you looked at me before! A-And I want you to know that even how long it is now- I never gave up on us " Tom choked as his voice turned soft.

" I never gave up on us because since the first time I laid my eyes on you, something inside of me tells me that you are the girl that I've always been looking for "

"And I-I wanted to change for you! I want to be better for you! And while I was with you, I slowly began to realize that you! You Adeline! You're the woman I've been dreaming about spending the rest of my lifetime with- "

" Y-You have the choice to turn your back and leave! But I want you to know that even years have passed and you finally got the life you always wanted. Remember that I am here- Waiting for you! Continue to dream that someday you'll be back in my arms and tell me that you remember everything! "

He let it all out.

My vision started getting blurry as the pain in my head didn't stop. I watched as Tom slowly walked to me and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

I didn't pull away or fight him back, I cried in his chest while the rain continued to pour harder

" A-Adeline, my name is Adeline Wright " I replied, I saw that he took out his large hands and smiled at me.

" I'm Tom " He introduced myself, his name and his voice were very familiar to me but I couldn't tell how. Since I see Tom as a nice guy, I smiled back and placed my hand on his

" Nice to meet you," I said. His smile widened when we locked eyes again, and this time's gaze was something else

Suddenly all of the memories flashed into my mind, my eyes widened and I froze.

" Adeline? " Tom asked worriedly and faced me, cupping my cheeks in his hand as my eyes trailed up and met his

" I remember " I whispered

I didn't waste a second to immediately cup his both cheeks and crush my lips to his

Tom carried me and slammed my back into the car, we kissed each other hungrily, like there was no tomorrow

He wrapped his arms around me and I missed everything about him. I pulled away to stare into his eyes while still cupping his both cheeks, I couldn't help but not to smile while tears continued to roll down my cheeks

" i-im sorry, I'm so- s-sorry " I choked and placed my head to his chest, Tom didn't let me go

" there's nothing you should apologize about Adeline... The important thing now is that you're finally back "

" my girl is back " He cried


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