chapter 5

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Valentina pov

I thought everything would end there, locked in an abasement without seeing what was happening outside

going through everything again under the hands of my psychopath father and the doctor. I slowly opened my eyes and met with the sunshine through the large window of the room

I groaned quietly and looked around the place, I was in the hospital. I look down to see that I'm tucked again in a white sheet, and then my eyes trail to the unknown guy sleeping in the chair beside the bed, holding my hand.

He has long cornrow braids and wearing a black hoodie, I noticed the shining gold ring on his finger

when he felt that I moved, he stirred and sat up from the chair

rubbing his both eyes tiredly. he put his hand down the moment he saw me awake, his eyes widened and tears filled his gorgeous brown eyes

" A-Addie, hi " the guy choked

he didn't say any words but instead he hugged my body tightly and sobbed, gently stroking my hair while I didn't move

"Who are you? " I asked confusedly.

the guy pulled away from his embrace and his expression fell, the happiness in his eyes was replaced with sadness and pain.

nevertheless, while I continued staring at his handsome face, he had a black lip ring on his lips, matching black earrings, and a beard growing on his face. He didn't let go of my hand

" I-im Tom, remember? I-I met you on the night of my concert, you have no idea who am i, and we talked for half an hour outside of the building " The guy named Tom began explaining

trying to be calm. I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to remember everything, but I just started having a headache

" W-we spent time together, I asked you out for the first time, b-but my motorcycle broke that night and i-it began raining. next day I picked you up from your school and we went out to have ice cream together " he continues

"I'm sorry, y-you seem a nice guy. But I just cant remember you " I said.

it was not my intention to hurt him. But I could feel my heart break when his head turned down and began to cry. I opened my mouth to speak but no words were coming out of me

" i-i failed to protect you, Adeline," Tom said

but the door opened and a nurse came in, they surrounded me and one particular nurse made Tom walk out of the room.

My gaze stayed on him while he walked out of the room, I didn't know why. But my heart is screaming for him to stay

the nurse began to ask me questions, it took me half an hour before I remembered what happened to me.

I was silent and I couldn't speak

" you were gone for three months, Adeline "


After one week of not being able to see her, those three months when Adeline was gone were hell for me

three months of not being able to sleep well. I never stopped searching for her, and I never gave up on her

some say that Adeline is dead, but I never accepted it. I know Adeline will not gonna give up like that easily, and I don't too.

I and the boys didn't stop searching for Adeline, we called the police and the FBI and in the first week, they told us that we couldn't tell anything to others about her kidnapped.

I was mad but Bill was trying to calm me down. We didn't return to Germany and we decided to take a break from the public until Adeline was back

I spent my nights crying in bed, with my phone beside the pillow as I constantly played the voice messages she left me before she disappeared, over and over again.

I couldn't sleep, because a nightmare about her, screaming and crying at me kept hitting my mind.

During days I was restless, I didn't stop searching for her. I and Georg flew to Russia to find where her family was keeping her

we stayed there for one week but we realized she wasn't there. So the boys decide to go back to Germany until we hear something from the police

I'm all alone inside the apartment I bought for us, the apartment that she was supposed to make our home.

I fell into a depression and started smoking and drinking again, At some point my brother just went inside the apartment to help me get up, and Bill cried for me.

I know that everything is getting difficult for him too but I just couldn't care

I was being selfish, but all I wanted was for Adeline to be on my side

after a month, two articles were released to the public, one about her, and the other about Kate. This news made the media and public crazy about Adeline, they wanted to know more about her

Adeline is Valentina

everybody spent their Christmas and Newyear with their loved ones, while I spent mine inside the apartment, drinking myself with alcohol as I continued to stare at a picture of her

until I got a phone call, it was from an unknown but I didn't hesitate to pick it up. When I heard her broken voice for the first time again, it shattered me completely

she sounded exhausted and in pain that she could barely speak. She thinks she'll die, but I know to myself that I won't gonna let her

I made my way to the police and argued with them, I was getting patience, and I was losing my mind.

two months later, we received a call that Adeline had been found. News about her was realized on the internet.

When we got to the hospital, the doctors told us everything about her condition. When I heard the low chance of her surviving, and the infection that started to grow inside of her, I broke down

I wanted to punch myself so hard for failing to protect her

when I saw her, awake in the hospital bed. The light in her eyes was no longer there

her words kept repeating in my head

I failed to protect Adeline

Don't hunt me down. I promise everything will get better soon 😭✨

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