25: Steak Out

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Alright alright alrightttt let's get into itttt my dear friendssss
They are so silly!!!
This chapter is... a lot

This silly little fix gained over 1k reads in just a week thank you guys so much

Content warnings: Fighting, depictions of violence, blood, weapons, death threats

Clint does indeed somehow get the biggest steak that the restaurant has to offer, and Kate swears it's bigger than her face. He looks at it in minute horror before putting a napkin over his lap and tucking in, and while Kate feels some sense of dread at the sight, Yelena looks on the verge of cackling.

To Kate's utmost surprise, they also have a reindeer roast on the menu, and she points to it to show Yelena, whose face goes through several emotions before pinning Kate with a stare.

"Kate Bishop, we must try the reindeer."

"Didn't you say that it's really chew-"

"Never mind that! We are trying it."

"...Alright then."

Yelena orders the roast with an excited gleam in her eye, and even though Kate can feel her stomach already getting ready to be upset, the assassin's smile is a little too adorable. Aside from the roast, they both order a salad and either pasta or sushi once Clint assures that he's more than happy to pay.

"So, Kate," Clint says, taking a break from his food and setting his utensils down. Kate glances up from her sushi, mouth full. "Any thoughts about school?"

She's barely able to not choke on the fish and rice in her mouth, and Yelena snickers as she thumps the archer's back until she can breathe. Kate takes a swig from her root beer before clearing her throat.

"Gonna be honest with you here, chat- no. I have not."

Clint nods simply and starts cutting back into his steak. "Just wonderin' kiddo."

She squints at him. "You seemed pretty pressed about this when you called me a few days ago."

"One, I have no idea what that word means. Two, I talked with my wife about it and I am now a better man. I realize that school may feel daunting and I don't want you to feel pushed in any way. I just know that it can feel good to have a sense of direction, even if you don't really know what direction that is."

"One Direction," she mutters under her breath.

Neither Yelena nor Clint laugh at her obviously super funny joke, as neither of them heard her, and neither of them would even get it in the first place.

Kate was admittedly a 1D girl when she was small, okay? Until Hawkeye took that spot and stayed there.


"I just wanna offer any help I can, Kate," Clint continues, tilting his head. "Anything, seriously."

Kate smiles and nods, not sure how to respond. Clint seems to understand, because he just nods back and continues to eat.

The reindeer roast arrives a few minutes later, and it's overwhelmingly not what Kate had been expecting in any way, shape, or form. The hunk of meat is huge, the skin and juices sizzling and popping, right out of the oven. It's garnished rather graciously with different herbs and spices and zesty sauces, and Kate can see Yelena's surprise turn into a feral hunger only a Russian could have over reindeer meat.

"This is красивый," the blonde mutters, glancing up at the server in awe.

He gives her a polite smile and bows slightly. "Спасибо, мисс. Шеф-повар очень гордится этим."

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