2: Déjà Vu is a Funny Thing, Funny Thing

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Chapter two babyyyy let's go!!

Content warnings: medications

"You still haven't answered my question, Yelena. Why the hell are you in my house?"

Yelena Belova just waved a hand in Kate's direction as she stirred a boiling pot of Kraft mac-n-cheese on the stove, humming a tune under her breath and tapping the toes of her Doc Martens. "Oh, Kate Bishop. You really must learn to relax now and again."

Kate could only continue to stare, her poor brain doing everything in its power to get a grasp on the current situation. She had only slept a whopping total of three hours before this whole thing began, and now that her body seemed to realize she wasn't in any immediate danger, the exhaustion had punched her in the face and left her unable to properly respond by going back to bed.

And now, suddenly, there was another person in her apartment with her- and it wasn't just anybody, it was Yelena. Yelena who was Natasha Romanoff's little sister, Yelena who could kill Kate at the flick of her wrist, Yelena who liked mac-n-cheese and giggled at small things and had an accent like a cool blanket of snow.

"You're staring, Kate Bishop."

"Hard not to when I'm sleep deprived and someone broke into my house."

Yelena sighs so deeply Kate's sure she's about to pass out, but the woman just shakes her head and continues to monitor her noodles. "Once again, Kate Bishop, you're being so hostile. Also, again, I still didn't break anything. Lighten up, hm?"

"I'm not being hostile!" Kate sputtered, feeling oddly riled up.

A cutting glance from the blonde had her almost pouting, a headache forming behind her eyes as she scowled.

"Kate Bishop. Please. Stooop talking. I am making macaroni and it is going to be very tasty, but you will eat and not talk, and then you will go back to sleep with your doggy. Yes?"

Kate thinks the dumbfounded expression is going to get stuck on her face with how much she's used it in the past 15 minutes, but she can't seem to wipe it off as she tries to process Yelena's words.

"Wait, I'm sorry- what? You just show up in the middle of the night completely unannounced and with no explanation, and I'm supposed to brush it off and go to sleep?"

"Pretty much," Yelena replies simply, rolling her shoulders out as she drains the noodles and begins to add the rest of the ingredients. "We could have a conversation right now, but you are cranky. I would rather experience you rested and fed."

Kate did not respond to the 'cranky' quip, opting to just tap her fingers and rub at her face until Yelena placed a bowl of macaroni in front of her, along with a fork, a glass of water, and one of Kate's sleeping pills.

"How did you-?" Kate startled, blinking at both the cutlery and the medication once she noticed that Yelena also had a fork of her own.

"In the morning, Kate Bishop, we will talk. Eat. I made it special just for you."

Feeling dizzy and perhaps a bit too content to obey, Kate scooped up a bite of the noodles. She hadn't realized how hungry she truly was until the melted cheese hit her tongue, but once her stomach woke up at that, she scarfed the bowl down like it was oxygen.

Yelena laughed deeply, watching Kate as she turned ravenous over boxed macaroni. To be fair, it was delicious.

Once they had both finished eating, Yelena took the dishes (and the suspiciously new fork) to Kate's sink before turning to lean against the counter and level a stare at her.


"Sleepy time."

"You promise you'll explain all of this in the morning?" Kate asks wearily, a little too calm with the situation at hand.

"Yes, Kate Bishop, I promise." Yelena watched her intently, and Kate felt chills go down her spine as she slowly stood and walked towards the couch to get Lucky. He blinked up at her, sprawled out over the cushions.

"Some guard dog you are," Kate grumbled, patting his head until he got up and followed her to her bed. Lucky just flopped back down on the blankets, giving a sigh of contentment, and ignored her.

Kate stared at him, vision going blank and head swirling dizzily as the exhaustion caught up to her. She sat on the edge of her bed, feeling the sleeping meds drip down her spine and swirl deeply in her lungs.

She eventually laid down on her back, the ceiling melting away.

Yelena. Huh.

I'm so soft for them I can't :,)))

Translations: none

Kate Bishop counter: 6

QOTD: Do you like to draw? If so, what?

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