20: Welcome to Cooking With Flo, Bitches!

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If you've never watched Cooking With Flo I would highly suggest you go do that because it is literally one of the best things on the planet <333 Also hi everyone welcome to some of the gayest shit I've ever written

Content warnings: GAY PEOPLE RAHHHH!!!!

Yelena grabs her laptop from the closet as soon as they're back at the apartment and does a frantic Google search for Cooking With Flo. "I have decided we are doing a media swap, Kate Bishop," she explains, setting the device on the kitchen table and beckoning her friend over. "I play your Animal Crossing, you watch this."

Kate peaked over her shoulder at the screen. "Oh hey, Florence Pugh!"

Yelena gasps excitedly and whips her head around. "You know her?!"

"Well, yeah, she's in some really amazing stuff. She's the reason I watched Lady Macbeth and Little Women, and they're the only sort of period piece or classical stuff I like besides Dickinson."

The blonde can't keep her glee in. "Have you seen her cooking show, Kate Bishop?"

"Can't say I have, no- I didn't know she had one."

"Отлично, маленький ястреб," Yelena murmurs, tugging Kate with her to the couch after deciding they were going to experience this together in comfort. "Here, this is my favorite episode. She makes beef stew. I copied her once after a mission- very tasty."

She pulls up an episode from 2023 where Florence has an adorable pixie cut and presses play, pulling Kate close and pressing into her side to rest the laptop on both of their knees. Kate would've otherwise been completely focused on every point of contact with the other woman, but Yelena's face is bright and open with contentment, and it makes her want to focus on what they're watching, too.

This turns out to be a good call, because Kate finds herself enjoying the cute little Instagram cooking show much more than she thought she would. Of course it helps that Florence Pugh is absolutely stunning, but she's also silly and animated and so intelligent that she turns cooking into a life lesson/comedy skit combo. After the episode is over and Kate's stomach is rumbling, they watch two others, an even older one where she makes late night orange marmalade and a more recent video of meat pie.

"This is making me so fucking hungry, Yelena," Kate confesses, resting her cheek on the blonde's head. "Did you say that you copied her recipe once? Did it inspire the stuff we had the other day? Does this mean you know how to make stuff besides boxed macaroni and soup?"

Yelena snorts dryly. "Ha ha, Kate Bishop. Did you forget that I made you bacon, too?"

Kate's eyes go wide and she can feel her mouth immediately start to water. "Oh my god, bacon."

Yelena's laugh is deep and full. "We just barely ate, Kate Bishop!"

"I'm a growing girl!"

"You don't need to grow anymore, Kate Bishop," the assassin interjects, raising an eyebrow and leaning away to look her friend up and down. "You're already tall enough, and I think you need to stop it."

Kate grins cheekily and leans closer to her. "Aw, does it bug you that I'm taller?" she crows good-naturedly. "A clumsy little baby Avenger with a stick and a string can reach the top shelf but the big bad Black Widow assassin needs a stepstool?"

Yelena moves so quickly that Kate has zero time to even react before said Black Widow assassin is on top of her, strong thighs pressing her body down into the couch and calloused hands pinning Kate's hands above her head against the armrest.

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