Chapter 5

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Mya POV:

So today is the beach day I'm actually so excited I gotta make sure I bring everything I need. I'm going to bring everything I need in this bag I bought of Amazon essentials. It is so cute, okay so I have my bathing suit under my dry clothes. I also have towels I'm going to bring extra just in case someone needs one. While I'm get my things together Paige calls me.

Hey, I just wanted to see if you were going to beach with Amari and the girls tonight?
Yeah I am, are you?
Yeah, I wanted to see if you wanted to ride with me since you don't live that far from the school. I can pick you up on the way there.
Sure why not
Oh and I think I'm going to stop at the store for some snack for the beach too
I got some food at my house if you wanted to get some. I just made some Chicken Alfredo last night if you want some of that.
I'm definitely going to get some of that. Coach has been talking about your cooking for the past week. I gotta taste it for myself.
Oh yeah?
Mhm, and I'll pick you up at say?? 4:30?
Yup i'll be ready by then
Okay see you then
Bye Paige
Bye Mya

I really hope she couldn't tell I was smiling the whole time we were on the phone. Her voice is soooo. I can't even explain it and she offered me a ride. I don't know how I'm going to contain myself and I invited her into my house, I probably wont even make it to the car. I actually have never seen her car before. I could've seen and didn't know it was hers.

To kill some time I think I'm going to go bother dad. He's a little too quiet for me. I go downstairs and I see him watching tv. "Dad I know you lying. You are not watching Stranger Things" I say in shock

"Yea what's wrong with me watching it?" He says

"I would've never guessed that you would watch this. You said it was stupid when you saw me watching it." I say

"Yea because it looked stupid when you were watching it duh. Now that I'm watching it, it doesn't so look bad. I think it was you sitting in front of that made it look stupid." He says trying to crack a joke

" ha ha, so funny" I say unfazed

"You want to know something Mya" he says

"Wha-" I say getting it off

"I dont care if you want to know or not. I think Paige answered my phone on purpose." He says

"why do yo-" I say getting cut off again

"You want to know why? I think because she saw that you were calling me"

"Wait she saw your contact name for me?" I say

"Yea she saw Mya McBratt" he says and starts laughing.

"Sir that is not funny. It's embarrassing and I am not a brat." I say

"Mya lets be honest" He says

"I dont have time for your foolishness, I have somewhere to go in a hour" I say walking up the stairs.

Time skip to when Paige is about to pick me up

Okay Paige is on her way she just texted me a few minutes ago. I double checked everything. I can't stand forgetting something. I put Paige's pasta in a container so it's ready to go, she can get any food she sees to bring with us. I'm still upstairs making sure my room is clean so when I come back I can just get into bed without having to cleaning anything. The doorbell rings and I already know who is. So I just go downstairs to open the door but I see dad already beat me to it.

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