Chapter 4

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Mya POV:

To start off the day I go outside and so some drills. I'm spending a lot of time doing drills because practice starts next week. I heard that the team travels a lot with the women basketball team which a bit weird but if that's how it go I'm not tripping. If that means I get time with Paige I'm not going to argue. After practicing for a hour or so I walk inside for some water. I went to the store yesterday and got some food for the house. And these people swear I'm broke. I go upstairs to go take a shower.

Time skip to after shower

I think I'm just going to put some more pjs on because I'm not going anywhere today. So why put on regular clothes if I'm just going to relax all day. Mom is currently out of the state for work so it's just me and dad. So I think I'm going to make home dinner. I go downstairs to get some chocolate covered strawberries I made yesterday. I really hope dad didn't eat them, I swear he eats whatever I make even if it's not for him. I check the time dad should be back in a couple hours so I'm gonna call him to see what he wants for dinner. Just in case. I don't have all the ingredients for whatever it is, I can have time to go to the store. Hopefully whatever he wants, I have all of it in the house

"Siri FaceTime dad'' I say

Siri FaceTimes him...

Paige answers the phone

"Paige?" I say confuse on how she answer the phone

"Hey girl!" She says

"Bruhh how do you have my dad's phone right now" I say

"He told me answer it." She says

"PAIGE I TOLD YOU TO BRING THE PHONE TO ME" I hear him the background.


All I can do is laugh at them. Paige gives the phone my dad "oh my bad" she says

"Get your ass on the court" he says taking the phone back from her.

"Yes sir" he says

They must have heard me laughing because now I hear the whole team laugh.

"Don't laugh at her foolishness" He says to me

"Now what did you call me for?" He asks

"I just wanted to see what you wanted for dinner" I ask

"Uhh Chicken Alfredo please" He says

"Oh okay, talk to you later." I hang up.

That was an eventful phone call. Anyways I think I have everything for the chicken Alfredo. I'm just going to get all the ingredients for now then cook when he gets home.

Paige POV:

Practice was actually good today we did a lot of drills and focus on our lay ups. I also got to see Mya today. I knew Coach didn't say answer I saw the contact named " Mya McBrat" on it and knew it was her. After practice I walked into the locker room to change out of my practice clothes.

"Hey P wanna go to the beach tomorrow with me Azzi, KK, Caroline, Q, Ines and Ice?" Amari says

"Yea sure what time?" I ask

"5:00 were going to have a campfire and we are going to invite Mya too so you can hang with your crush" she says

I start smiling as soon as I heard she was inviting Mya.

"Oh and we know you answered coaches phone on purpose, you HAVE to work on being discreet." She says as she walks out.

Now if they know I did it on purpose Coach HAS to know that I did on purpose too. I just shake my head. I just wanted to see my baby. I check my phone for the time and it's getting really late. I grab my keys and head for my car on the way home I stop at Chick-fil-a for dinner because I'm too lazy to cook. I call Nika and Azzi to see if they want anything.

I pull up to Chick-fil-a and tell them my order for Nika and Azzi. I'm on the way home with the food. Before I step out of the car, I make sure I don't drop anything cause I'm type to cry over dropped food. Don't get me started on dropped drinks.

I make it upstairs to our dorm. Since my hands are full I can't get my key out for the door. I knock on the door and nobody is answering. I know they're home because I just texted them that I'm here. I knock on the door again. "I swear if y'all don't open this door, its going to be a big ass problem" I say

I put my ear to the door to see if I can hear them. I hear them laughing by the door. So I knock a little harder than I did before. "OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR" I yelled. They finally opened the door.

"About time" I say over it

"We only let you in because the food was going to get cold." Azzi says digging for her food

"Yea can't let that happen" Nika says.

"Whatever." I say

Mya POV:

Dad is on the way home. So I'll get started on the food. I started baking the chicken cutlets. Then started on the making the sauce so once the chicken is done , I can cut them up and put them in the sauce. And the last part is the noodles. By time I was finished dad walked through the door.

"Hi honey" Dad says

"Hey, the food is about ready" I say

"Oh that's great, it smells good" he says taking off his shoes

"I'm gonna go wash my hands" he gets up.

"Alright" I say putting the food on the table

He comes back from washing his hands. "Alright, this looks good Mya" he says rubbing his hands together and sitting at the table

"Why thank you" I say sitting at the table.

"Let's pray before we eat" he says bowing his head.

I bow my head "Lord we thank you for this food and we thank you for the hands that prepared this meal. Let it nourish our bodies, in Jesus name we pray amen." I say

"Let's dig in" He says

Time skip to after we finish our food

At the moment I'm sitting in my room on instagram. Now the whole UCONN women's basketball team follows me. They're so sweet. Then I get message from Amari

Hey boo
Hey Amari
Me and some of the girls are going to the beach tomorrow wanna come?
Of course! What time?
Yay, it's at 5:00 we're going to have campfire too so bring a blanket, marshmallows, whatever you want.
Okay cool ill be there
Oh and bring a bath suit were going night swimming too
Will do!

See what I'm talking about they're so sweet to me. I gotta do something for them.

A/N hey yall, how yall day going ttm

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