Chapter 16

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Beth's POV

I agreed, why did I agree? Now I'm nervous I don't know what I'm doing here, what if I do it all wrong? What if they realize I'm useless and awful at what they want then send me back to my father? OH NO WHAT HAVE I DONE?

Stop I just need to calm down and try and go with the flow. Easier said than done but I need to try. I decided to do what they asked and stop fighting with myself and try to relax so I sat back and enjoyed the rest of the movie. The songs were so catchy I wanted to dance along with them but stopped myself, I was not ready to show that side of me yet. 

Once the movie ended Luke suggested we watch the next one which was Sing 2 and I loved it more than the first. The songs were so catchy and I loved the whole space theme of the musical they put on and I really, really want to watch it again. 

"Lunchtime love," Daniel says snapping me out of my thoughts of the movie and he picks me up and makes his way through to the kitchen where he proceeds to buckle me in the stupid high chair. I squirm and play with the buckles trying to get out. I know I said id give this a go but I hate this stupid chair and im not a baby so I shouldn't be in this stupid c hair. 

"Stop playing with the buckles, you already know daddy and I are the only ones allowed to touch those and you know you can't get them open anyway so save your self the hassle love, " Luke says as he kisses my forehead. 

"I'm not a baby I don't need a high chair," I say back pouting clearly not happy with this silly contraption I have been placed in. 

"Well, you sure acting like our little baba, so clearly you do need it, now no more back talking let's have lunch," Luke says as he places a bowl of fruit and yogurt in front of me. I am glad it's a small lunch as I am still not used to eating much. I went for the spoon to start eating but Daniel stopped me saying he will feed me and im too young to do it myself. This angered me. 

"I AM NOT A BABY" All my emotions were coming to the surface again and I couldn't stop them no matter how hard I tried. I was an open book at this moment. I started thrashing in my chair having a complete meltdown or panic attack whatever you want to call this. 

"Calm Down, you are going to make yourself sick, we do not tolerate this behavior in this house, " Luke says grabbing my hands that were currently fighting with the straps on the chair. Daniel unclipped the straps and tray then Luke proceeded to pick me up. Once in the warmth of his arms I felt safe and at peace at least enough to calm down.

"I-I'm sorry I don't know what came over me" I cried while burying my head into Luke's neck taking in the calming smell of sandalwood. I took a few more deep breaths while Luke bounced me a little and Daniel rubbed my back. 

"It's ok love, but you need to try and talk to us when you feel like you're going to explode like that ," Daniel says. All I could do was nod my head in reply. 

"We won't punish you this time since it was more a panic attack and you said sorry before we had the chance to warn you okay, but next time you will go in timeout to think about your actions do you understand love?" Luke asked me while still in his arms in a stern tone that I hadn't heard before. I started to feel fuzzy at this moment and said something I didn't think I would have said in my right mind. "Yes Papa".

Luke's POV

"Yes Papa"

OMG, I looked over at Daniel hoping he heard it too and it was not just my imagination, but from the look on his face, he heard it as loud and clear as I did. I was ecstatic and the biggest smile I think I have ever given spread across my face and Daniels too. Beth still had her head buried in my neck and was very still and quiet. I wonder if she realized what she said. 

"Beth love are you okay?" I asked but I got no reply, I looked down at her to see her eyes fighting to stay open, clearly that little outburst had taken its toll on her. "Why don't we quickly have lunch and then go for a little nap hmm?" I said while putting her back down into her chair with no resistance. Her little eyes looked up at me and I could tell she was tired but she had to eat something. Daniel sat close to her and grabbed her bowl and spoon and held it up to her mouth, surprisingly she opened up and allowed Daniel to feed her with no problems. I wiped her hands and face with no hassle and took her up to her room to change her diaper while Daniel made a bottle for her. 

Once Beth was set down on her changing table I was expecting a fight like this morning so I placed the strap over her tummy again and grabbed her stuffy to hold which she took with a big smile on her face, She had the most infectious smile I have ever seen. I changed her quickly with her being silent just playing with her stuffy like it was the most interesting thing in the world which was a surprise to me as she fought this morning when she was getting changed. 

Daniel came into the room with her bottle just as I finished changing her and sat in the rocking chair. I passed Beth over to him so he could feed her while I say down in the chair beside them. She wined a little when she was passed over but settled once she was in the warmth of Daniel's embrace. I have noticed even though she still is building trust with us, she settles more on being held than being left alone which we do not mind at all in fact we love it. Beth accepted the bottle straight away and was only halfway through before her eyes closed for good and she was in dreamland. 

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