Chapter 1

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"BETH GET YOUR SORRY ASS DOWNSTAIRS NOW" Bethany's father shouted up the stairs. Bethany ran down from the worry of what would happen to her if she did not go downstairs immediately. Once downstairs she stayed quiet knowing that is she spoke without being asked she would most likely get hit. Her parents didn't care if they left a mark, it's been 17 years and no one else has bothered to take notice.

"Go to the shop and get the stuff on the list, you better not be long, or you will be in trouble when you get back, now hurry", "yes father". Bethany grabbed the list and money on the counter in the kitchen and made her way to the supermarket which was roughly about a 20min walk from her home. Bethany took her time knowing that no matter how quick she was it would never be quick enough for her father so would end up being punished anyway plus it was such a beautiful day and with the forest to walk alongside she loved to admire the way the sun hit the trees and the rays went threw the gaps and hit the forest floor. Bethany finds little things like this a nice distraction from her life. Being so distracted she was not aware of the man following behind her.

Beth enters the store and begins to gather everything needed on her list as quick as she can before proceeding to pay at the checkout. Once there she gets the overwhelming feeling of being watched, looking around to see who is watching her she comes up empty handed and thinks its just the fear of what's going to happen when she returns home. Once Beth paid for her shopping, she made her 20-minute trek to the place she reluctantly calls home.

Again, Beth gets distracted but the different things to see from the light shining threw the trees again to the birds flying round and the way the slight breeze has everything moving in such a gentle majestic way. Stopping, Beth began to have that uneasy feeling of being watched again and looked around but yet again found nothing until she looked straight ahead where a man was slowly walking towards her but he looked causal enough Beth though to herself, so she shook herself out of her thoughts and continued on her way but accidently tripping and bumping into the man.

"Careful little one, you could have been hurt" the man said.

"I am so sorry sir I don't know what happened" Beth replied.

"It is quite alright dear, what has you in such a rush you tripped?" the man asked.

"Oh just in a rush to get home and kind of spaced out for a second, so stumbled trying to get myself moving again, and again I apologise for bumping into you sir but I must be on my way, have a good day" Beth said trying to cut this conversation short and get home even though she knew it wasn't good news the minute she got to the door but it was better than standing talking to a stranger as her anxiety could not cope with that.

"No problem, run along dear and please be careful, hope to see you again some time but in a calmer scenario" the man said and with that he walked away.

Beth stood for another second a little confused to why he would want to meet again but then was cut out of her daze when a posh car drove past. Taking no time to admire the car Beth turned and ran the rest of the way home. 

Bethany finally reached home and walked threw the door with the shopping bags in hand ready to head to the kitchen to put them away but before she was able to get more than 5 foot in the door she was pushed to the floor from behind.

"Where the hell have you been stupid girl?" her father roared.

"I'm sorry dad I tried to be as quick as I could" Beth said cowering as far back as she could to escape her father's rage.

"Whatever just make dinner before I take my anger out on you for real this time" her father said as he walked past kicking her in the side as he went.

"Yes sir" Beth whispers as she tries to stand.

Once Beth had gathered herself, she grabbed the fallen bags and the items that had fallen out then made her way to the kitchen to store it all then started making dinner. Deciding on a simple pasta dish with some meatballs Beth got to work.

Beth in her own little world didn't notice her mother walking into the kitchen with a sour face picking up one of the sharp knifes and stabbing it down onto the wooden chopping board right next to Beth's hand making her shriek with such fright she almost fell over taking everything with her but luckily enough she caught herself.

"Better watch out Beth that was almost your hand, wouldn't want that to get injured now, would we?" her mother said with an evil smirk on her face.

"No mum, we wouldn't want that" Beth replied with a shaky breath escaping.

"We need you fit and well to cook and clean around here so be more careful silly girl" her mother said walking away.

Beth was in such a shock she forgot about the pasta on the stove until she heard it bubbling over. Quickly finishing making dinner and tidying up, Beth put the food out for her parents, taking a small bowl up to her room so she could try to eat in peace and fell asleep curled up in bed with her thin blanket to keep her warm. 

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