Chapter 2

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Beth woke annoyed at the sound of her alarm going off at 6 am. Quickly turning it off she got up and dressed for the day. 

It's now Monday morning and school will start soon so Beth needs to get up and have breakfast prepared for herself and her parents before 7 am. Quickly getting dressed and running down the stairs she prepared some scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast for their first meal of the day. Setting it down on the table she had just enough time to eat her small portion and get out the way before she heard her parents make their way down the stairs. 

Quietly grabbing her bag and slipping her shoes on she makes her way to the back door to try and slip out peacefully, unfortunately, this does not go to plan. She is grabbed by the hair and thrown to the floor by her father who then proceeds to kick her, screaming that she was a disgrace and did not cook the food properly and that she was trying to kill them, this was obviously not the truth. Once the beating had stopped Beth got up and ran like her life depended on it. Running into the local woods like she normally does, she finds the little picnic bench with the overgrown weed surrounding it and sits down. Crying hysterically after this morning's beating, Beth is trying to calm herself down. Breathing in and out slowly multiple times she finally begins to calm down but can now feel how sore her stomach and ribs are. 

Beth decided to stay there for a little while until the pain had subsided a bit, putting in her headphones and turning on her chill playlist on Spotify, she lay her head on the bench and shut out the world for a bit. 

Not paying attention to her surroundings, she was unaware of being followed and watched from the second she stepped outside her house.


After "accidentally bumping" into little Bethany yesterday, my husband and I decided to stay close by for the night hoping she would come back out again, sadly this was not the case. We watched as her bedroom light went off and there was silence in the house except for the TV I could see her parents watching.

We first saw Bethany 3 months ago, she was bloody and bruised. I had asked the locals who seemed to know her if they knew what had happened and all I got from them is that her parents were nasty awful people and for some reason, no one seemed to care. This angered me and I ended up calling my husband furious, it took a lot for him to calm me down, and he ended up coming to meet me. Once he arrived I still had my eyes on Bethany so I was not aware that he was approaching me. Once he sat down, he followed my line of sight and saw the little girl I was watching sitting in the little woodland area on a little rotten-away picnic bench crying her little heart out.  

From that day we both fell in love with her and knew we needed to get her out of that place she called home and into a new safe environment with 2 daddies who would love her for the rest of her life.

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