Chapter 137

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Yan Ting who sat in the carriage had an unclear expression on his face. Some indescribable feelings arose in his heart. He buried his face in his hands and let out a howl like a wounded beast.

Actually the household's situation was something he had expected. Along with his death, the household had fallen apart. But being able to imagine it and seeing it with his own eyes were two different things.

Yan Ting's obsession from a young age had been to restore the Weiyuan Marquis Estate's glory and allow it to continue for many generations.

This obsession had started when he was still a child. His dad had held his hand and pointed at the large golden words engraved upon the doors, saying "dad's health isn't good and everything will depend on you in the future." This was buried deep in his heart. After over two decades of effort, not only did he have nothing to show for it, he even managed to lose the estate....

A long, long time passed. Xu Xiang Rong looked at the side of Yan Ting's face. Only after seeing him recover his calm did he have the carriage driver take them away.

Yan Ting saw that he was looking at him and raised his head, saying expressionlessly: "Don't worry, I'm not a fool I know that I'm already a "dead person"."
As he lifted his head, a scar on his face was revealed.

This scar started from the corner of his left eye and ran under his left ear. From the right, Yan Ting was still a handsome man despite looking a little worn and weak. However, he looked sinister like a yaksha from the left.

The day Yan Ting fell from the cliff, he had planned on dying. Unexpectedly, he had awoken and found out he was rescued. At that time he was heavily injured. Many of his bones were fractured and his legs were broken. He was completely out of it and didn't know how much time had passed. After becoming a little more conscious, he realized it was Xu Xiang Rong who had saved him.

Why did you save me?

At that time Yan Ting had truly wanted to die so he leapt from the cliff. He knew that Shen Ding definitely wouldn't let him off, but also because he was in despair. After working hard for so many years, it was all in vain. Even all his thoughts and actions were overturned, as though he was just a joke. He was a huge joke from head to toe. He flaunted his intelligence, but was actually a jumping clown.

Yan Ting didn't want to live. He felt his own existence wasn't worth anything. He didn't eat, didn't cooperate with the treatment. This lasted until Xu Xiang Rong told him about the Weiyuan Marquis Estate's recent situation.

"Don't you feel your current state is extremely laughable? A grand man like yourself is actually acting like a woman who cannot endure any shock. Stand up if you're a man. Go back and take a good look. Then, bide your time until you can snatch everything back one day...."

Yan Ting's wounds were too serious. By the time he recovered enough to take a carriage, the Weiyuan Marquis Estate's inscription had already been taken off and the place was empty.

"Your brother and mom are living in Hengshui Alley. Do you want to go take a look?"

Yan Ting froze and shook his head: "No need. Since we cannot see each other, why go take a look?" After a pause, he said with a complicated expression: "Thank you."

Xu Xiang Rong didn't speak and merely smiled.

A month after the third prince's wedding, the fifth prince Luo Jing also got married.

The third prince's wife was naturally chosen carefully by Senior Concubine Xu. She was the Lin household's principal daughter. The Lin household was a major influential clan. Although the third consort was only Senior Minister Lin's distant niece, Senior Concubine Xu had still spent a lot of effort to forge this connection to the official.

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