Chapter 63

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Thinking of this, Luo Huai Yuan asked quietly: "Your grandfather still isn't seeing your dad and mom?"

Yan Yan's emotions were a little complicated. However, Luo Huai Yuan was also aware of this from their letters. Yan Yan didn't keep it from him. "Err, for the sake of avoiding suspicion, I haven't visited my grandfather in a while. It seems he hasn't seen them yet."

Luo Huai Yuan realized that made sense. If he wasn't seeing his daughter and son-in-law but continued to go over their heads and treat his granddaughter and grandson warmly, wasn't that causing problems for Yan Yan and her brother? Someone innocent wouldn't overthink it, but how could Yan Ting be someone innocent?

He waved Shen Qi over, planning to get some inside information.

When Shen Qi came, he asked: "What is your household planning with little sis Ah Yan's household?"

Shen Qi glanced at Yan Yan, his gaze complicated. He scratched his head and said: "I'm also not too sure. I overheard my mom and dad speaking once. It seems they will continue giving them the cold shoulder."

He felt a little awkward since this matter involved little sis Ah Yan's parents after all. He wasn't clear what the adults were thinking, but always felt it was a complicated situation.

Luo Huai Yuan pondered and said: "You shouldn't worry about it too much. Just eat and sleep like you should. This matter doesn't have much to do with you and little Ah Mo." This was said to Yan Yan.

This was all they could do at the moment.
Yan Yan was suddenly no longer in the mood. She looked at the sky outside and said: "The snow is getting heavier. I guess I'll take Ah Mo back."

Luo Huai Yuan cursed his own cheap mouth for making the little consort unhappy.
"Not staying a little longer?"

"I shouldn't. It's getting late. You guys should head back earlier too." She then said so Shen Qi: "Big bro Qi no need to escort me. Have the carriage drive us back first before coming to pick you up. It's cold outside."

After Yan Yan left, Luo Huai Yuan also lost interest. He said his farewells to Shen Qi and went to call Xiao An Zi, preparing to return to the fourth prince estate.

Before he went downstairs, he ran into Manager Zhou.

Luo Huai Yuan didn't beat around the bush. "I'll take a couple of days to put things together. Send someone over to fetch it. The kitchen here has a rough idea of how to do it. They're just lacking the details. The profit will be split according to the usual standard. Give me forty percent."

Manager Zhou smiled bitterly and nodded, seeing off this little ancestor from the rear doors.

Afterwords, the Liu Xiang Restaurant gave birth to a new type of food. The eating method was very novel and the taste was extremely good. It attracted all the foodies in the capital.

This food was called "dipping pot". The tagline was "anything can be dipped". Normal ingredients dipped into the pot tasted extremely fresh. If it was combined with the Liu Xiang Restaurant's rather pricy special sauce, it was essentially the best thing that could be found anywhere.

The Liu Xiang Restaurant's business exploded in popularity. It was completely full every day. Soon, they opened up another branch in the western part of the city. Only then did the business reduce slightly.

Of course, this was a matter for the future.

The carriage stopped by the second door. An enclosed sedan chair was already waiting.

The two of them got onto the sedan and returned to the Ningxiang Chambers.

Right as they took off their coats, Matron Zou walked over with a serious expression.
"What happened?"

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