Chapter 81.2

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Looking at the oblivious little consort who was only worrying about the matters back at the estate, he felt like spititng out a mouthful of blood.

Fine. This was the curse of knowing the future. You couldn't tell anyone what you knew, and could only get internally injured.

Luo Huai Yuan smiled very rigidly. "Little sis Ah Yan, has auntie mentioned which household she wants to match you up with?"

Yan Yan gave him a doubtful glance, "Why are you asking about this? How would I know? My mom is probably clueless as well. She has to go out and slowly gather prospects. I'm still young anyway. Mom says it's fine to arrange things before I come of age."

Luo Huai Yuan felt slightly relieved. His heart was a mess as he asked: "Then after going back, wouldn't it be hard for us to meet?"

"En, that's true. But there's bound to be opportunities."

Seeing her unconcerned appearance, Luo Huai Yuan spat another mouthful of blood internally. He repeatedly told himself "the little consort is still young, she doesn't understand affection, the little consort is still young...."

However, he couldn't get rid of the thought that Ah Yan actually viewed him only as a good friend. Previously, he had vowed to himself that he would definitely conquer the little consort's heart. Now that three years had gone by, there didn't seem to be the slightest effect.

Would Ah Yan end up liking him?

He was fat, not handsome enough, and he was better off without his prince's identity.....

Luo Huai Yuan was lacking in self-confidence for the first time.

Even in his past life, despite dying together, his consort hadn't fallen in love with him. She only treated him as her best friend. He was very clear about this.

It seems he had to go back and properly consider his next move.

"Little sis Ah Yan, I suddenly remembered I have things to do. I'll head back first."

Yan Yan was very amazed when the pitiful looking little fatty Luo who was trying to win her sympathy suddenly changed his expression. She had never seen him like this, and her heart even involuntarily thumped.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

That sort of gaze faded in a flash. His usual smile appeared on his face once again. "Nothing's wrong. I just suddenly remembered there was something I had to deal with in the estate so I must return."

"Alright then. Send me a letter if something comes up."


The Weiyuan Marquis Estate got busy bright and early.

The old madam, eldest branch and third branch didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but the second branch's people didn't have such luxury. Concubine Wu and Concubine Lan had gotten dressed appropriately and waited in their residences.
Only when the servants reported the madam had entered the gates did they go out to welcome her.

The fifth young master was only two years old. He had just learned to walk. Concubine Lan cherished him and would always keep him by her side. At this time, the fifth young master kept calling for his mom but she didn't dare pick him up. She was deeply afraid of messing up her clothes and hair and end up disrespecting the madam.

She was already a little fidgety. Yesterday she had wanted to get some praise from the lord and hoped he would protect her in the coming days. Unexpectedly, she had yet to speak when the lord told her to respect the madam properly and be better behaved normally. This immediately smothered the affectionate words she was planning to say.

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