chapter twenty four

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authors note: 

this chapter involves mostly dress trying for midsummers. at the very bottom i've attached a reference for what the dresses looked like in my head while i was writing, so you can use that as reference while you read, if you'd like a clearer image of what she's wearing. you can of course imagine any of the dresses however you'd like, i just attached it as i know some people, including myself, like to have clear images when they're reading. if you choose to use it, the first dress is on the top left, and it continues on from there towards the right. enjoy! 


I have barely composed myself from what happened moments before when Rose and my mother hand me four dresses. Rafe piles another two in my arms and I can barely even meet his gaze. With the two dresses I picked, we reach a grand total of eight.

I immediately discard two of the dresses that Rose and my mother picked out, much to their disappointment. "Light shades of pink never look good on me, Mom! You know this. It clashes too much with my skin tone."

"Will you please just try it?" She says, exasperated.

"You've given me a hundred other dresses to try on. Why are you so hung up over this one?" As I speak, I catch a glimpse of Rafe, who seems to find my assertiveness amusing. The tension between us is thrumming, and we exchange a quick, subtle glance.

"You're going to try that dress on, Luxie, and that is final. We have all day, literally, so we're in no rush. There's only ten dresses. You're going to be fine."

"Only?" I scoff.

"Luxie, it would make your Mom and I very happy if you tried them all on. Will you please?" Rose asks, stepping in. I look between the two, knowing this dynamic they always use. I can't say no to Rose.

"Okay," I say, half-heartedly. I'm surprised Rafe hasn't stepped in yet and said something "witty," but after what just happened between us a few minutes ago, I'm not sure he wants to. I close the door to the dressing room, finally alone with nothing but my thoughts and my reflection.

"I don't know why she's being so difficult," I can hear my Mom whispering from the other side of the door. "She was fine thirty minutes ago."

"Midsummers are stressful, Davina. I'm sure she's just a little stressed and a little tired," Rose chimes in.

Without further lingering, I strip down and slip the dress on. I zip it up with some difficulty and look at myself. I look like a nightmare. I unlock the door to the dressing room and stand there uncomfortably as Rose, Rafe, and my Mom examine me like a doll from the couch.

I can't hide my grimace. "This is...something."

Rose and my mother exchange a glance, seeing the disaster they insisted would look perfect on me. Finally sensing my discomfort, Rose chimes in. "Maybe it's a bit much. Let's try something else." She hands me two other dresses— one of them a burgundy red, similar to my dress at the Gala, and another one a jet black.

I practically sprint back to the dressing room, eager to discard the dress I'm wearing. I can only hope that these dresses are better than this first one.

I slip into the burgundy dress. It's elegant, flowing, and I can't deny it looks good. However the moment I step out, both Rose and my mother exchange a glance.

"It's stunning," my mother starts, "but perhaps a bit too reminiscent of the Gala. We need something that stands out for Midsummers."

Agreed, Rose adds. "Try on the black one, now!"

HEARTLESS─── RAFE CAMERON [1]Where stories live. Discover now