Chapter 40 - panic

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Wow we are at part 40!!!! Wow thank you so much for your support on this book I love you all so much. P.s sorry for the short chapters lately love you all

You felt light headed, what where you to do, you hadn't told aegon about Jace yet and everything he had told you because what would he say if he knew you saved him, he would accuse you of still being in love with him.

You felt a sinking feeling in your stomach, your heat was beating faster and tears in your eye, your breath became rapid and short, you fell against the wall tried to steady your breath.

You sunk to the floor and tried to get accustomed to the new feeling. You felt the cold floor on your legs and the ragid stone on the back of your head.

"My queen!" A sweet voice form the hallway called.

The voice was familiar it was one that brought you comfort... it was Helena. She sat of the floor by the side of you her face was 1000 expressions.

"Y/n whats wrong?" Helena spoke concerned.

"I don't know it's an inescapable feeling" you rasped.

"Maesters!" Helena shouted down the hall and a guard sprinted down the hall.

"Your grace... are you alright" the guard spoke urgently.

"No" you replied trying to catch your breath.

"Get the maesters quick!" Helena urged the guard.

You closed your eyes and tilted your head to the ceiling trying to stop your shaking legs. The measters rushed over to you and kneeled on the floor.

Aegon and the court heard the commotion outside the small council chambers, aegon had managed to limp places using a cane to wobble places while his legs continued to heal.

The council left the room to see you on the floor maesters and guards and Helena surrounding you.

"Y/n" aegon whispered limping over to where you sat.

He dropped his cane when he reached you and fell to the floor next to you.

"Y/n... what has happened?" Aegon spoke urgently.

"It's..." you started out loud.

"It's Jacerys" you whispered into aegons ear do no one else to hear.

Aegon looked at you concerned and ordered the guard to carry you to your chambers.
When you arrived at your chambers you where placed on a seat in-front of the fire.

You had calmed yourself before your husband limped on the room.

"So my love..tell me what about the bastard troubled you so badly" aegon spoke aggressively.

"I- he's here.. in the dungeon.." you started to explain.

"What" aegon gasped.

"He's here... there was a fight cannible are vermax and I caught Jace as he fell through the sky" you continued.

Aegon sighed and turned away form you.

"Aegon- he told me-" your started before you where interrupted.

"Ser Elon!" Aegon shouted.

Ser Elon entered to room and gave a small bow before Aegon continued to talk.

"Ser Elon take the queen to her personal chambers and you will not let her out only to see the prince baylon and you shall escort her... and no-one shall see her but me" the king commanded.

"Aegon-" you started before Elon dragged you out of the room and to your personal chambers.

You banged on the door of your personal chambers repeatedly until you knuckles turned white.

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