chapter 13 - suiters

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A/N : hello, I've changed some things in this chapter btw e.g. beala never was her grandmothers ward in this fanfic.

"the history of our houses date back to the days of old Valeria" shared the elderly lord, his words echoing around the hall.

"he is so verry dull..... and ancient" you spoke leaning to whisper to beala who sat next to her sister on a twin throne.

beala giggled and fiddled with her mothers necklace that hung around her neck.

"let us have the next" sighed rheyna looking at her sisters.

the old man walked to the side where all the other denied suiters where drowning in there disappointment.

"i don't know why you two had to drag me along for this, i don't what to know who will bed you in on the morrow" you huffed leaning back in your chair.

"we dragged you along because we want you to suffer as well" yawned rheyna closing her eyes.

"Tis no excuse, i already have a betrothed, i don't need to be eyed like a piece of meat" you uttered straightening you dress.

"well as sisters, i thought we should share this experience" shared beala looking at you with a sisterly smirk.

even though you weren't sister by blood you where sisters by heart, ever since daemon and Rhaenyra were wed, beala, rheyna and you had become close you would comfort each other about you late parents and teach each other lessons in Valaryian, art of the sord, sewing and music.

"gods... this one is as boring as the last" stated rheyna looking at the celling.

"if i am chosen to wed you, you will be well satisfied and will carry many children" announced the aged man with a smirk on his face.

"we're leaving" spoke beala standing from her chair, and interlocking arms with her sisters and walking out of the hall, there guards following them out.

"send word to her harbour and have captain oystered ready the ship". you ordered to your sworn protector.


" ugh i have traveling by ship" you stated laying back and closing you eyes to try and steady yourself.

"your definitely a not a Valaryian" giggled rheyna continuing her embroidery.

"well strong never do well with sea travel, i wonder why Luke gets green sick" you asked.

the twins looked at each other concerned, as beala was about to change the subject they where interrupted by one of the knights.

"princesses, my lady, we are smooth sailing we should make it to Dragonstone in the hour" spoke the knight before bowing and leaving.


the ship arrived at the dock and Rhaenyra was standing there with his arms crossed and looked annoyed.

"what are you three doing here?" asked Rhaenyra placing a hand on her round belly.

"we endured it as long as we could" you spoke defensively hugging Rhaenyra.

"well, Jace and Luke are eager to see you" told Rhaenyra tucking hair behind your ear.


"GIRLS" shouted Luke running up to you and the twins capturing you in a tight hug.

"Luke!, I've missed you so much" you spoke stroking his hair.

"y/n..." uttered Jace who had just appeared in the room.

you ran to Jace and dragged him into a warm hug.

"i missed you y/n" Jace told you letting you go.

after a while of catching up and laughing daemon walked into the room from egg hunting, and he had a letter in his hand.

"leave us" Rhaenyra told the children"

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