chapter 4 - long travels.

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. Traveling with a little one was far from a breeze, Harwin discovered this firsthand. The grueling reality hit him when he had to endure a two-hour journey on horseback with an unsettled, wailing baby. It was nothing short of an ordeal.


Harwin had instructed the servants to prepare both your chamber and his, including packing some of Annabeth's old dresses. The carriages were so full that there was no space left for you and your father to join.

You received a mountain of gifts for everyone in the castle for your departure, from lemon cakes to dresses and toys. your father was worried there would be no one there to put them when they arrived to kings landing.

Harwin said his final goodbyes to his fellow knights and the members of his council and some servants that looked after his little light.

he placed his little light on top of his horse divil, named after her short temper he made sure you were secure before mounting his horse and making the horse galop.

as they travelled for 20 minutes along the coble road, harenhall slowly faded and Harwin felt a weight be lifted of his shoulders, he really felt the change in his life happened as soon as they left.

After an hour of traveling, Y/N's restlessness became apparent. Fidgeting and attempting to crawl around the saddle, it was clear that she needed some comfort. Harwin, feeling his temper rise, cradled his daughter in one arm, gently rocking her in an attempt to lull her to sleep. However, as she continued to resist, he reluctantly resorted to the one thing he had hoped to avoid - singing a lullaby.

his mother always sang one about Aegon the conquer and his conquest.

Harwin let out a sigh and began to hum the melody, immediately capturing Y/N's interest. She gazed at her father, her eyes gradually closing.

she was asleep until they arrived at kings landing the shouting of the gold cloaks cheering for there new lord commander awoke her from her slumber.

hiya sorry for another short chapter <3 but chapter 6 is where the story properly starts but don't skip :)

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