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Parvati was in the kitchen, collecting breakfast together for him. She made his coffee and toast and some scrambled eggs. Along with a vegetable soup for a nutritious element.

She carried the tray out and got in contact with his mother. Ganga Devi. "Is it for Aadhi??" Ganga asked looking at the tray, Parvati nodded "Okay..tell him I will be back after a week or two, I am leaving now" she says and Parvati nods again, slightly bowing to her. Ganga gave her an annoyed expression which she couldn't figure out why but she ignored it and went upstairs.

Aadhiren was scrolling through his phone and suddenly his phone rang. He picked it up while Parvati set a folding table infront of him "Yea, I am fine just little scratches" he says and waits while muffled voices could be heard from the other side "Did you clear the mess??" He asks in a stern voice with a frown on his forehead "Good, I don't want any media questions and you better talk to the local police about it. It better not come out" he says and cuts the call.

Parvati had set up a table in front of him and plated out his food

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Parvati had set up a table in front of him and plated out his food. "Rani sa told me to inform that she will return in a week or two" she says in a slow voice and Aadhiren nods, trying to pick up the piece of toast in front of him but he hisses and retreated his arm. It hurts and his arm was not ready for action just yet.

She sits next to him hurriedly and takes his arm in her hand "Does it hurt alot?" She asks examining it "You should get profesional help, should I call the doctor?" She says in a panicked voice. Aadhiren chuckles a little, surprised at his own actions, he puts on a hard face. "No there is no need" he says, retreating his arm back from her hold and she nods, standing up from the bed slowly and walking away quietly.

He hisses again and Parvati turns around to see him struggling to drink his coffee. She sighs and walks up to him and takes the cup out of his hand "Let me" she says and started helping him to eat his food. He didn't say anything but eat, he hasn't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon.

She feeds him the soup and toast with eggs, he ate them without any hesitation. After it was done, Parvati was collecting the plates while he held his coffee mug. His next question took her by surprise "Have you eaten your breakfast?" He asks and this unexpected question made Parvati speechless. He has never asked her if she has eaten her meals or not. Is it different now that we are married?" She thinks before looking up at him, thinking for a answer.

She looks at him and lightly shakes her head "I will" she says poliety and he nods "You better" he says in a stern voice and she nods, collecting the plates and standing up from the bed.

Aadhiren was about to take a sip from his coffee when he remembers something "Paro" he says turning his face to her. Parvati truns around immediately "Ji?" She says and his heart did a back flip!

Aadhiren was shut for a second. Oh come on Aadhiren stop being so childish she always addresses you with Ji, it's no big deal. He says to himself and takes a deep breath "If someone name Akash comes then send him to the room" he says and Parvati nods before walking out.

Outside the room, as soon as Parvati shuts the door, she supports her back on it and takes deep breath. Her heart was racing. She keeps a hand over her chest and says to herself stop it Parvati, he just asked if you have eaten or not! It's no big deal! But he called me Paro, umm so what?? He called you Paro yesterday too! But he was unconscious last night!! Oh god what is happening to me!

Her inner voices were arguing with each other and driving her crazy. She sighs and walks away from there.

Downstairs, she spots Aditi leaving the kitchen and pulls her aside. "What-" Aditi begins but stops as she saw who was pulling her.

"Oh Paro!" She says and holds her arms "What's wrong with kunwar sa?" She asks and Parvati frowns "What? Who told you something was wrong?" She asks and Aditi told her what she had heard "Ram told me, the gaurds saw him last night limbering inside the house" She says and Parvati had already started worrying "Some even said that he was covered in blood" Aditi continues and horror was spread all over Parvati's face.

"N-no it's not true" she says with a trembling voice, and Aditi nods "He was in an accident" Parvati makes up an excuse and Aditi nods again "Oh that's a relief, I hope he isn't hurt much" Aditi says and Parvati nods "Yea..just a- a few scratches here and there" she says and Aditi nods again.

"I should get going, I need to change the curtains in the guests room, the old ones are dirty" Aditi says and Parvati stops her "Oh the carpet in Sir's room is also very dusty" Aditi nods "Don't worry it will be changed" she says with a determined voice and Parvati chuckled "Thank you" she says and Aditi swings her hand in the air as in "no problem'' manner.

"And by the way, it's not Sir's room now, it's yours too" Aditi says one last thing and then runs off towards the guests bedroom.

Before Parvati could scold her, Aditi was out of site.
"Rani-sa, a man is looking for Hukum" a servant told her and Parvati frowns and walks towards the living room.

A young man around Aadhiren's age was standing there, looking through a file that he was holding in his hands. He was a well built man, his physic was very impressive and his height was same as Aadhiren, he was wearing glasses that layed on his nose loosely. And his hand viens were clearly visible as his shirt was rolled up to his elbows.

As he saw Parvati approaching him, he closed the file and removed his spectacles. He smiles lightly at her "Hello bhabhi" she says and Parvati gets confused, she has never met this man. "You must not know me, I am Akash, your beloved husband's best friend" he says and Parvati nods. She has no clue of his personal life so it's no surprise that she didn't know about his best friend.

"Welcome, Hukum-sa is in his room" she says and Akash nods, leaving the living room area and going upstairs "And please send something really tasty to his room, your husband haven't had me take a bite since last night" he says with a joyous voice and Parvati smiles and nods.
He runs off towards his room and Parvati goes in the kitchen.

It's really surprising how she is married to a total stranger, even though she has worked for him for nine years, she still doesn't know about his life. He has always been a private person and he had never given Parvati such importance to talk to her about his private life. She thinks about it while she was making something for them to eat.

She decides to talk to him today and get to know him personally, so far she only knows his likes and dislikes
that too only in specify areas. It's sad to think about that she doesn't know her husband.

After a few minutes, she was done making snacks and starts putting them in the serving dishes. She carries the tray which held the serving crockery and a few empty plates for them to eat in. And she also grabs some beverages.

Parvati carefully takes the heavy tray upstairs and and knocks lightly on his bedroom door.


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