Chapter 131

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"I heard that the Duchess almost got into trouble because of the cowardly machinations of the Riegelhoffs. How can so-called noblemen commit such moral shenanigans, what a bunch of cowards they are!"

Despite his grave expression, Count Sinclair was actually cheering when he heard the news.

'This is good news for us!'

His prediction came true wonderfully.

He had just heard that the Emperor had given the disposal of the Riegelhoffs to Duke Ludwig, and that the entire Riegelhoff family had been decapitated and their heads hung in the Imperial Palace.

He was trying not to laugh too hard now.

"Well, it's not a very pleasant memory, so enough of this."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just so enraged that I couldn't take it anymore, Your Excellency."

Despite his profound apology, Count Sinclair thought things were going very well.

He glanced at Leila, who had accompanied him as he began to talk about the northern iron ore distribution rights he had recently acquired outright.

Leila glared at Killian, then quickly feigned a look of concern at her father's gaze.

"By the way, Your Excellency, have you thought about the talk back then?"

"What do you mean the talk back then?"

"The matter of Sir Killian's...... marriage."

Killian's eyes widened at that.

"What do you mean by that?"

Count Sinclair gave him a kind, sympathetic look, as if he understood everything.

"I've heard that you've had a lot of trouble because of your sham marriage to the young lady of Riegelhoff."

"Where did you hear that?"

"It doesn't matter where I heard it. It is true that Count Riegelhoff offered his daughter to you in exchange for iron ore distribution rights and loyalty to the Emperor."

"That is true, but......"

"Rufus Riegelhoff, that man has been so devious from the beginning!"

Count Sinclair interrupted Killian when he tried to say something more.

"Now that the Riegelhoffs have been dealt with at last, it is time for you to take a new wife, and that is why I recommended Leila as your wife to the Duke the other day, with all due respect."

Leila's cheeks flushed, and she locked eyes with Killian before bowing her head slightly.

She tried to hold it in, but a happy smile was spreading across her face.

Killian, however, was having none of it.

He frowned and turned slowly to the Duke. "Father, is that true?"

"It is true that I have been offered such a deal."

"And you would have me listen to it? I already have a wife."

Then Count Sinclair spoke up again. "I can understand your dislike of arranged marriages. But more than half of all marriages among the nobility are arranged, and you are the scion of a duke, so you must put the interests of the family first."

"Do you mean to say that my feelings are worth nothing?"

"Oh, of course not! My dear Leila has always admired you, and she will make a fine wife, faithful to you, and no match for that prostitute of Riegelhoff!"

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