Chapter 94

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The kind of luck that would never have happened if Edith was still a 'villainous supporting character.'

'When the hell did it get this big? Damn!

I should have seen it coming when I saw Edith survive the yacht incident last time.

I thought it was because it happened right in front of Killian's eyes that he was able to save her, but I didn't realize it was the kind of 'luck' that only happens to the main characters.

No, I don't want to admit that this world has a female lead other than Lizé.

'It's really dangerous now.'

This is no time to keep my pride up.

With this failure, K's control of Killian had dropped to zero, and the others were down to about 30%.

If he could muster up all his strength, he might be able to pull off one more attempt to kill Edith, but the risk of failure was too great.

'The only thing I can count on now is the third exception condition, and I can't let her meet it.'

Things got tricky.

I can't let Edith meet the third exception condition.

But seeing how Edith fought Fred and struggled to survive, I think I'll win this time.

Edith is human after all, and I don't think any human can meet the third condition.

K smiled through clenched teeth.


Slowly, my vision brightened.

But I wasn't awake.

'I'm dreaming.'

I was having a lucid dream.

There was a dark door in front of me. I looked around and realized I was in some sort of aristocratic mansion.

'Where am I?'

I wondered, and someone was coming this way.

'Count Riegelhoff......?'

It was Count Riegelhoff, who looked a lot younger than he is now.

He stepped in front of me, pulled a key out of his pocket, unlocked the door I was looking through, and walked in.

I followed him into the room.

"Have you done enough reflection?"

"Yes...... I'm sorry, father......"


Bloody hell.

This was not a scene I wanted to see.

Young Edith, who couldn't have been more than twelve or thirteen years old, was sobbing, her cheeks puffy and a nasty bruise under her eye.

"Please forgive me. I'll never do it again."

As soon as she saw Count Riegelhoff, she dropped to her knees on the floor, rubbing her hands together and begging. [1]

[1] It's not uncommon for Koreans to kneel down and rub their hands together to beg for forgiveness. They do this because the mistake they made was fatal.

I was sure that no matter what she had done wrong, a girl of her age would not have done anything to deserve such a beating.

But this family was strict only with Edith, and they would beat her severely for the slightest mistake.

Count Riegelhoff, who had been staring down at the shivering, crying Edith for a long time, berated her in an irritated voice.

"Edith. I didn't ask you to sell your body, all I asked was for you to be a little more cute. What a disgrace, you missed your chance!"

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