Put a name to the face

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The day after the sports festival, Izuku was flying through the sky with one of the new aliens that had been unlocked for him, Jetray. The journey was quick, and Izuku arrived in front of the hero school. The boy walked into the school and went to class.

"Can't believe how many people recognised me from the sports festival, it was amazing!" Sero exclaimed to Kirishima, Kaminari, and Jiro."Yeah, the same thing happened to me! I felt so happy and nervous!" Kaminari told him,"What about you, Midobro? Did you get recognised?" Kirishima asked the considered winner of the sports festival.

"I flew here, so, no." Izuku told them as he grabbed his book from his bag. "Alright, just cause you all got some screen time doesn't mean you can lounge around." Mr. Aizawa commented, entering the classroom along with him came Midnight. "Hello, students!" Midnight greeted the class with enthusiasm.

'What's Midnight doing here?' The class thought to themselves. "After the sports festival, you all got requests from pro heroes around the country for an apprenticeship." Mr. Aizawa informed the class, and a picture was projected showing the number of invites everyone got.

Izuku Midoriya: 12,788
Shoto Todoroki: 10,500
Gwen Tennyson: 10,450
Katsuki Bakugo: 10,377

"How the fuck does deku have so many invitations!?" Bakugo shouted "Simply because unlike everyone else, Midoriya can turn himself into any of his forms based off the situation and many heroes have of course recognised this from both the events in the sports festival and that big fight that happened." Midnight explained to Bakugo along with the rest of the class.

"Anyways! Due to these applications, you all need hero names!" Midnight shouted with a soft smile on her face."So, while Aizawa sleeps, I'll be taking over the class!" Midnight informed them and passed out whiteboards and pens as Mr. Aizawa shoved himself into a corner and knocked himself to sleep in his sleeping bag.

After a minute, Midnight asked if anyone had a name for themselves yet, and Mina put her hand up. "Alien Queen!" Mina shouted. "You mean that giant alien thing from those 80's movies? No way!" Midnight turned down the idea with a disgusted face. Mina walked back to her seat, dragging her body after the disapproval of her hero name.

"I don't know what to put as my hero name!" Kaminari told Jiro as he rocked on his chair to meet with her desk."What about Jamming way?" Jiro suggested."Oh, cause of the musician!" Kaminari concluded, but Jiro laughed and said,"No, cause you jam your own brain!" Jiro got up from her seat, and Kaminari shouted."Hey!"

"My hero name is The hearing hero: Earphone Jack!" Jiro introduced the idea of the name into the class, and Midnight was quite pleased with it."It fits you, Jiro. Wear the name proudly!" Midnight informed Jiro, and she smiled at her teacher."I will."

"Hey, Dekiru! Have you thought of a name yet?" Uraraka whispered to the alien shifter and peeked at his board and saw that nothing had been written down on the board."I can't think of anything! Everything sounds too corny, or when someone sees me, they won't be able to say it properly." Izuku complained to Uraraka, who smiled."Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find something soon."

Uraraka walked up the front and presented her hero name to the class. "The zero-gravity hero: Uravity!" Midnight clapped at the name and said,"Well done, Uraraka! It fits you perfectly and sounds cute, just like you!" Uraraka smiled cheerfully,"Thank you, Ms. Midnight!".

"The Unbreakable hero: Red Riot!"

"Do you look up to Crimson Riot by any chance?"


"A cute name that represents you well."

"The tape hero: Cellophane"

"A wonderful and unique name."

Everyone had went and Bakugo's hero name had been denied three times. The only one that hadn't picked out a name was Izuku, and he was desperately trying to think of one, and then he remembered something Azmuth told him about Izuku's father and what he called himself with the Omnitrix.


"When your father was alive, he would venture through the stars, not only saving the people of other planets but also learning of a prophecy." Azmuth entailed to Izuku, and the boys' attention was curiously caught by what the galvan. "A prophecy?"

"Yes, he had found hieroglyphs that foretold of a human that can change into any living creature. The human was next to a hieroglyph that translated to...

"Deku!" Izuku slammed down the whiteboard onto the desk as the class looked at him, shocked at Izuku, picking something that literally translated to useless. "Are you sure you want that as your name?" Midnight asked Izuku with a cautious gaze, and Izuku nodded."Yes."

"...Alright then, Deku it is!" Midnight declared, and Izuku walked back down with his whiteboard in hand.'Dad, I'll be the hero you wanted to be.' He thought as he sat down and wiped the name off the whiteboard.

The whole class had chosen their names, and the day continued as normal until lunchtime. Izuku sat down with his food, and Uraraka asked him, "Hey, why did you choose Deku as your hero name?". "Well, all you need to know is that my father had read about a legend that can change into different beings, like I can, and the name he was given was 'Deku'." Izuku explained to Uraraka, and she smiled gently."I think that's a lovely reason to choose that name, especially if it's special to your dad."

"Yeah, but I do kinda wonder. Who made up that legend?" Izuku wondered "Maybe, it was someone that had you in mind in the legend." Gwen suggested to Izuku, and he shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe."

Izuku began to mess with the Omnitrix as he looked at one of the new playlists. Azmuth had given him the aliens in the playlist. Izuku had already given names. Jetray, Crashhopper, Hunter, Arctiguana, Alien X, Ballpit, Candystain, Echo Echo, Hack N' Slash, and NRG.

"Midoriya! Stop playing with your watch and eat your food!" Iida instructed Izuku, and the boy stopped and did as he was told.

Chapter end

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