10 months to be a hero

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The Omnitrix wielder awoke from his sleep to the sound of his alarm ringing in his ears with his hair over his eyes, Izuku pressed downbon the alarm and got up from his bed and walked to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, washed his face, and then had breakfast. "Morning, Izuku. Did you sleep well?" Inko asked her son."Yeah, Slept like a baby. What about you?" Izuku asked her."It was alright, but my bed started to creak around 2 O' Clock." Inko informed her son. After eating his breakfast, Izuku got up and said to Inko, "Mom, I've gotta go train with All Might. Can you make me some Rice curry balls for dinner?" Izuku asked, and she nodded her head.

Izuku shut the door, and Inko continued to read her book but paused, "What!?" She screamed. He had finally arrived at the place All Might had told him where they would be training. It was a beach that was polluted by a tsunami almost 15 years ago, and no one had cares to pick up all the trash. "Young Midoriya, glad you made it. You truly have your work cut out for you for the next ten months." All Might told Izuku, exiting a white truck."Yeah... What am I supposed to be doing?" Izuku asked him, looking at All Might confused. "You are going to be cleaning this entire beach up to train yourself, both for One For All and the U.A. exams." All Might told Izuku.

"Can't I just use the Omnitrix?" Izuku asked him."No, it won't give what you're doing any value, and you won't build any muscle. We can spend a week or two trying as one of your aliens, but that's only to see what you can do." All Might said, sighing, and Izuku grinned.

1st month
In his first month of training, Izuku put the small pieces of trash in the back of All Might's truck and did squats while holding a broken microwave. He tried to do pull-ups but failed after the first one and was given a list of things needed for him to continue his training at home, such as dumbbells, gripper, and some weighted wristbands.

In the last week of training, Izuku was allowed to train as one of his aliens. He chose the most bizarre looking alien. One that looked like a giant techno slime.

He also got himself a new book, which he labelled 'Alien analysis no

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He also got himself a new book, which he labelled 'Alien analysis no.' and he wrote two pages about all the info he learned about the Alien, such as what it can do. The alien he called Upgrade allowed Izuku access to these abilities: technological possession, technological alteration, technological manipulation, body alteration, size alteration, Self-liquefication, Regeneration, Elasticity, Stretchable limbs, Enhanced strength, Enhanced durability, weapon manifestation, Enhanced jumping, Enhanced reflexes and Fire resistance.

2nd month
In his second month of training, Izuku did gain some muscle, and he was able to take out some of the heavier pieces of trash on the beach. Izuku was surprised by how well he was actually doing because, unlike before, he could now do 8 press-ups. Izuku ran the entire length of the beach and did 100 sit-ups straight afterwards.

Like last month, Izuku was allowed to train with one of his aliens for the last week of the month. This time, he decided to train with an alien that looked like a giant moth. Izuku called it Big Chill due to it having frost coming out of its mouth.

Tales of the alien heroWhere stories live. Discover now