Chapter 19

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Nova(in her head): How funny. She went from trying to kill to playing with me.

Nova hopped off the railing, landing on the couch in her fox form. She laid down, bringing her tail around her body. All of them looked at her, the sisters having amused looks, Alcina having a raised eyebrow, and the maids looking in awe since they saw her shift.

Alcina: What are you doing, draga vulpe?

Nova's right ear flicked. She looked up at Alcina then rested her head on her front paws. Bela and Daniela smiled and grinned and Cassandra kept her smirk up.

Alcina: Interesting little thing.

Alcina turned her attention back to the maids and started telling them the rules, what they're expected to be doing, where not to go, what not to do, and to leave Nova alone unless necessary.

Two hours passed. Nova was walking around in her human form, her heels clicking against the marble floor. Her tail was swaying as she walked and her ears were relaxed. She passed a few of the maids and nodded as a greeting. They hesitantly waved back and kept walking. She heard them quietly say she was cute and fangirl over her.

She kept walking, going nowhere in particular. She was bored and hadn't seen any of her mistresses since the maids got to the castle. She started thinking back to her life before everything happened. Before she was sold to Alcina. She used to be a free spirit, chaotic, always out with her friends, always getting into trouble her father didn't know about. She used to go to clubs with her friends Friday and Saturday nights. Then, she was sold to Alcina and all of it stopped. She got reclusive, quiet, reserved, and kept herself in check until it became a habit.

She hadn't heard from any of her friends since then. She tried calling them but they never answered. She lost care after a few months of trying. Alcina and her daughters never found out or even knew of her past.

Nova walked into the kitchen, coming back to reality. She saw a few maids in the kitchen, doing their own things. She climbed onto the counter and went through the cabinets for her hidden snacks. Her tail was still behind her and her ears were down. She felt a few maids looking at her but ignored it. She found her snacks and got off the counter and left the kitchen. She heard buzzing and felt Daniela next to her.

Daniela: Hey, vulpea dulce.

Daniela leaned down and kissed Nova's head, getting her ears to perk up and her tail to wag.

Daniela: Cute. What'cha got there?

Nova held up her bag of white chocolate pretzels. Daniela couldn't have any normal food, considering her vampiric diet. Nova put a pretzel in her mouth. Daniela watched her, biting her bottom lip.

Daniela: Lucrurile pe care ti le-as face, Nova.

Nova looked up at Daniela with a raised eyebrow. She didn't understand Romanian. Her left ear twitched.

Daniela: You're cute.

Nova's ears flicked up then down, her tail swishing. Daniela pulled her hand, pulling her against her body. Daniela wrapped her arms around Nova's waist, resting her chin on Nova's shoulder, nuzzling her neck.

Daniela: Vulpea mea dulce.

Nova tilted her head to the side, her right hand on Daniela's hand and her left hand on the back of Daniela's head.

Daniela: Really. Just how sweet are you, hm? Always walking around like you're a mouse. It's cute.

Nova blushed. She wasn't used to getting complimented, especially by her mistresses. Daniela's nose was nuzzling Nova's neck, sending chills down her spine and making her shudder.

Daniela: Sensitive?

Nova's right ear twitched. Daniela giggled softly and pulled away from Nova's neck, kissing the top of her head.

Daniela: I'm sorry, vulpe dulce.

Nova shook her head, making Daniela chuckle.

Daniela: Sweet girl.

Daniela leaned down and kissed Nova's forehead.

Daniela: Oh! I just realized all four of us have forehead marks.

Daniela giggled.

Daniela: I wanted to do something that matched with you but I guess that'll work.

Nova(in her head): Something matching? Like... Like a couple?

Nova blushed at her own thoughts and hid her face in Daniela's chest. The tall redhead vampire ran her fingers through Nova's hair, wrapping her arm around Nova's waist. She closed her eyes and just relaxed, feeling the serenity of the moment.

After that sweet little moment, Nova went back to walking, still eating her pretzels. She kept passing maids, nodding, and hearing them fangirl and call her cute. Nova was lost in thought, even when the sound of buzzing filled the hallway. Nova only came back to reality when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

Cassandra: Vulpe mica, what're you doing?

Nova tensed then relaxed when she heard Cassandra's voice. She turned around and looked up at the tall brunette vampire. Her ears twitched up and down twice and her tail swayed.

Cassandra: Hm. Curious little thing.

Cassandra leaned down and kissed Nova's forehead, running her fingers through Nova's hair. Nova wrapped her arms around Cassandra's waist, nuzzling her face into her chest, sighing softly.

Cassandra: You're quite cuddly, huh?

Nova blushed and looked up at Cassandra, her chin on Cassandra's chest. Her ears flicked up and down, her tail swishing behind her. Cassandra grinned and chuckled softly. She kissed Nova's forehead again.

Cassandra: What a sweet girl.

Cassandra held Nova tighter, making the smaller girl blush. Cassandra had a regretful and sad expression as she looked down at Nova.

Cassandra: Nova, I'm so sorry for before. I don't... I don't have any excuses for why I did what I did, I just...

Cassandra sighed softly. Nova looked up at her, her ears going down slightly. She nuzzled Cassandra's cheek.

Cassandra: I almost killed you... more times than one and yet... you came back. You came back both times. And, you're here, letting me hold you, nuzzling me, hugging me.

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