Chapter 6

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Nova panicked and got up quietly. She didn't have a good escape route so she looked at the window. She sighed softly. She quietly went over to it and opened it. She lifted herself up and slid her legs into the water then the rest of her body. The water was freezing and she had to hold back her groan of discomfort. She moved as quietly as she could through the water, away from the boat house. When she got to shore, her tail and clothes were drenched and she was cold. She didn't waste any time and shifted to her fox form and ran into the forest. It was dark out so she had a little cover.

The crow followed her for an hour. Nova didn't know where she was going, having no plan now. Her legs hurt and she was freezing. She was also getting hungry again. Being the fox she was, she could easily hunt down a rabbit but she didn't want to resort to her primal instincts. She just walked through the forest, hearing the howling of wolves and the growling of lycans, her ears twitching and flicking at every noise. She didn't mind the noise and knew the lycans wouldn't go after her. She stopped when she heard the crunching of snow under feet. She looked up and around, her tail still, her ears perked up.

She didn't see anything so she sniffed the air. It smelled like a human. She was about to run but she saw a blonde man in a green jacket, black hoodie, blue jeans, and boots walk cautiously with a gun in his hand. He hadn't seen her yet.

Nova(in her head): A human? He looks... different than the people in the village.

Nova had seen that the villagers dress more old fashioned, like they were from the 1900's. This man looked more modern, like from where Nova was from. She cautiously and quietly followed behind him. He stopped abruptly, aiming his gun down at Nova. She froze, her ears pressing down and her tail going between her legs.

Man: A fox?

He lowered his gun, looking down at Nova with a curious look, his right brow raised. He kneeled down, holding his hand out for Nova to smell. Nova approached cautiously, smelling the man's fingers. He smelled okay and she didn't get the sense he would hurt her.

Man: Are you an arctic fox? You're far from the Arctic.

Nova looked up at the man, her ears lifting a bit. He noticed her eyes and his dark, hazel-blue eyes widening slightly.

Man: Red eyes... That's not normal.

Nova backed away from him. She shifted to her human form, her ears still pressed down. The man fell back, his eyes wide. He backed away from her.

Man: Wh-What the hell?!

Nova stayed still, a nervous look on her face. The man quickly stood up, aiming his gun at Nova again. His voice was rough and aggressive.

Man: What are you?!

Nova's left ear twitched, her tail flicking. Her crimson eyes stayed locked on the snowy ground. The man slowly lowered his gun, seeing Nova wasn't a threat.

Man: You're not human.

His voice softened. Nova shook her head. The man took his jacket off, seeing Nova's clothes drenched in water. He knew she was cold with how she was shaking and holding her body.

Man: Here. You look cold.

The man put his jacket around Nova's shoulders. Nova looked up at him, her eyes slightly wide.

Man: My name's Ethan. What's yours?

Nova bent down and wrote "Nova" in the snow. He looked down at the snow.

Ethan: Nova? That's a pretty name.

Nova's tail swayed, almost wagging. Her ears lifted.

Ethan: I can't leave you alone. Would you like to come with me?

Nova nodded after a few seconds. Ethan nodded and started walking.

Ethan: I'm looking for my daughter. The Duke told me to look in the castle.

Nova froze when Ethan mentioned the castle. She couldn't go back there. Not yet. Not with the possibility that they were angry with her. Ethan looked back at Nova, noticing her freeze.

Ethan: You okay?

Nova shook her head, her ears flattening, her tail going down. She kept walking with Ethan. He quickly understood that she wouldn't speak so he didn't press on. They walked in silence to the castle, the snow crunching under their feet.

When they got to the castle, they had to go through the dungeon. It was easy for Nova since she knew the layout. Ethan took care of the moroaica for both of them as they moved through the dungeon. When they got out of the dungeon, they were in the main hall. Nova froze in fear at the sound of buzzing. Her ears flattened and her tail went between her legs. She backed away, going to hide in the shadows.

Ethan: Nova?

Ethan couldn't get his question out as the three daughters appeared from their swarms, laughing. Bela went up to him and pushed him down then hooked her sickle in his leg, smelling him.

Bela: Mmm... Man blood.

They all laughed. Bela started dragging Ethan away. Nova had stayed hidden so they didn't see her and were too busy to notice her scent. Nova waited a few seconds before following quietly but quickly behind them. They dragged him to Lady Dimitrescu's chambers.

Nova waited quietly in the dark for the four vampires to leave. When they did, she helped Ethan down from where he was hanging by his hands.

Ethan: Thank you, Nova.

Nova nodded and got something to help with his bleeding hands. She wrapped it around his hands then looked up at him, her ears lifted and her tail swaying.

Ethan: Why did you hide when they came? Do you know them?

Nova looked down before nodding slightly.

Ethan: How?

Nova's ears twitched and her tail flicked. She doesn't say anything, looking down at the marble floor in Lady Dimitrescu's chambers.

Ethan: Nova. How do you know them?

Nova's heart stopped when she heard the familiar buzzing.

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