Chapter 2

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Cassandra: Now what're you doing alone, fox?

Her voice was teasing and a low, raspy whisper in her left ear. Nova stayed quiet but she shook slightly, feeling Cassandra press against her from behind, her left hand holding her sickle to Nova's throat and her right hand holding her hip.

Cassandra: Well? You know you're supposed to be around one of us, not by yourself.

Nova closed her eyes tightly, holding back her whimper. She didn't even have to do anything because Bela appeared.

Bela: Cass, calm down. I let her walk by herself.

Cassandra sighed heavily, letting Nova go. Nova immediately hid behind Bela, her tail between her legs, her ears pressed down.

Cassandra: Whatever.

Cassandra then swarmed away, leaving Bela alone with Nova. Bela sighed softly, turning to look down at Nova.

Bela: Are you okay?

Nova nodded, feeling Bela pat her head softly.

Bela: Good. She didn't hurt you, did she?

Nova shook her head. Bela sighed again, closing her golden eyes. Nova looked up at Bela with curious, nervous, and soft crimson eyes.

Bela: I really don't know why she does that. I don't feel comfortable leaving you with her.

Nova's right ear twitched. Bela looked down at her, her golden gaze softening. She leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Nova's forehead. Nova blushed very slightly again, her eyes widening slightly. Bela pulled away, stroking Nova's head.

Bela: Maybe I'll ask mother to leave you with me. Cassandra finds it amusing to treat you like prey and Daniela treats you like a playtoy. You're neither of those. You're just a kitsune trying to survive and be your own person.

Nova had needed to hear those words. Her ears pinned down and she held back tears. Her tail swished side to side behind her. Bela noticed and smiled softly.

Bela: Cute.

Later that night, Nova was wearing a large black hoodie, a pair of black shorts, and thigh high black socks. She was walking quietly through the halls, her footsteps being soft against the tile floor. Her tail was swaying behind her and her ears were relaxed. She was relaxed because the sisters were sleeping and the maids had already retired. She didn't know if Lady Dimitrescu was awake or not but it didn't matter because she wasn't going to walk past her chambers.

She was relaxed until she heard that same buzzing that always led to her being tormented by either Cassandra or Daniela. She stopped and looked behind her then hid in the shadows, staying quiet. Cassandra appeared out of her swarm of flies, holding her sickle.

Cassandra: I know you're here, Nova. Come out and I won't hurt you.

Nova stayed quiet. She didn't trust Cassandra in the slightest. She had her tail between her legs, her ears pressed down.

Cassandra: Nova. Come out. Now. 

Nova knew that if she disobeyed Cassandra, she'd more than likely get hurt but it was going to be the same if she did come out.

Cassandra: Bela's not here to protect you, Nova. If you don't come out, I will hurt you.

Nova's breath was silent but quick.

Cassandra: I'll give you three seconds.

Nova stayed still.

Cassandra: Three.

Nova didn't move.

Cassandra: Two.

Nova hesitated and silently came out of the shadows behind Cassandra. The tall, sadistic, brunette vampire turned around, grinning down at Nova sadistically.

Cassandra: There you are, pet.

Cassandra quickly grabbed Nova by her arm, pulling her close. She pressed her sickle to Nova's throat, just under her collar. Nova didn't move or say anything.

Cassandra: Why did you take so long to show yourself?

Nova stayed quiet. She knew Cassandra knew why.

Cassandra: Hm? Why?

Cassandra pressed her sickle further into Nova's throat, making Nova gripped her arm to ease the tension. Cassandra smirked, feeling Nova's tail flick and swish, seeing her ears press down.

Cassandra: Just answer me and I'll let you go.

Nova could feel the sickle start to cut into her skin, which scared her because Cassandra could actually kill her just by moving her sickle too fast, which would slit her throat. Nova stayed quiet, her grip on Cassandra's arm tightening. Cassandra didn't ease up, her right hand gripping Nova's hip, her left hand slowly pressing her sickle into Nova's throat.

Cassandra: Answer me.

Nova whined softly when she felt blood start to trickle down her neck. Cassandra heard her whine and had a rush of adrenaline shoot through her. She leaned down to Nova's neck and licked the blood away, shuddering at the taste.

Cassandra: My, my, pet. Your blood is sweet... I want more.

Nova wanted to try and pull away from Cassandra but if she did, she would either hurt herself more or make Cassandra mad. Cassandra put the point of her sickle on Nova's neck, right on her jugular. She would've hurt Nova had Lady Dimitrescu not come in.

Alcina: Cassandra. Leave her alone.

Cassandra: But-

Alcina: Stop trying to kill-

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