33. Epilouge

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8 Years Later

Third person

Morana sat in the hospital bed beside Zara, holding Zara's newborn baby.

"She's beautiful." Morana mumbled.

"Wanna know her name?"


"Leslie Morana Lockland." She said and Morana's eyes immediately welled in tears.

She held the baby close, it filling a small maternal void in her heart.

Zara's husband, Logan, walked in with food for Zara.

"I'm so hungry." Zara groaned.

"Can I stand with her?" Morana asked.

"Of course." Zara nodded.

"Maybe she should sit-"

"This woman has saved my life many times, Honey. I know you don't trust criminals, but she would never harm her niece." Zara barked and Logan was silent.

"I know you had a baby and Zara needs you but I'll rip your throat out if you make my wife feel lesser than." Davian walked in and Morana stood.

"It's okay Dav." Morana whispered.

She was enamored by the baby, Leslie was calm and sweet.

Morana hated crying children. Even crying babies.

She knew she could never be a mother. She didn't fit the roll.

But she loved this child with all the maternal strength she possessed. And overall she felt pride for Zara.

This was a beautiful girl. Zara made her own twin.

Morana never expressed it but she hates Logan.

If she told her husbands they'd kill them for her.

If Zara knew she'd cry and be hurt.

Logan on multiple occasions had made misogynistic comments about Morana's height and career.

Would jab at her past or at least the small part he knew of it.

Would attempt to threaten her until the day she found out he proposed then she held a knife to his throat and since that day Zara's wondered where the scar is from.

But Leslie would be raised around strong people.

Her uncles Davian and Kieran. Her Auntie Mor. Her mommy Zara.

Fuck Logan.

But as long as Zara's happy and he makes Leslie happy.

Kieran came in and glared at Logan as he stared at Kieran.

"She's gorgeous, brat." Kieran smiled at the small baby.

It became a permanent nickname. Zara doesn't mind anymore.

"You can hold-"

"I'm her father I should have a say." Logan snapped.

Morana's gaze shot to him.

"Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean they aren't safer than you are for Leslie. Your little man hands can't adjust to her right anyways. But, Zara, if you want her back, or want me to give her to him, that would be just fine mama." Morana smiled softly.

"I was going to say, the uncles can hold her. We have all night with her when you guys leave. And she's happy." Zara grinned.

Morana gave Leslie to Kieran.

He was stiff but one of his hands held her entire body with security.

The other her head.

"She's so adorable." Kieran smiled, handing her to Davian as small, fragile things made him uncomfortable.

Davian held her, adoring Leslie.

"I love you Morana, my love, but I couldn't have a baby. I'm so scared of hurting her. And our baby would be too pretty for this earth. Sorry Les. On this earth you're adorable." Davian smiled guiltily at Zara.

"It's alright. I love you guys, thank you for coming." Zara smiled.

"Of course." Morana kissed her forehead, kissing her husbands, glaring at Logan and holding the baby until they had to go.

"I love you. I love our life." Davian kissed the back of Morana's hand.

"I love you both. With all my heart." She sighed.

"Love you too babydoll."

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