13. Bad Feelings

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Davian Conor

I watched her watch it. We both did.

She was engaged completely.

We had tortured him for what must've been a few hours.

All of it was on the disc.

She sat on the edge of her couch, elbows on knees, face in hands as she studied the TV.

I hummed to myself, leaving to begin dinner.

"I want Chinese." Kieran mumbled, looking away from our TV for a bit.

"Sounds good."

I grabbed the phone and ordered, hanging up and watching the screen again.

She jumped a bit at the bit where we cut off his dick and I rolled my sleeves up as I was starting to get bloody.

She leaned forward further somehow.

"Look." Kieran pointed to her legs as they slowly drifted apart from their previous tense stance.

I watched as she got off the couch, sinking to her floor, knees up and open, a hand disappearing.

"What if we called her in the middle of this to offer her dinner?" I whispered.

"What if we deliver her the dinner instead and see how red she gets?" He tried.

"But what if we call and she keeps going?" I looked at him.

"I'd like to see that." He smirked.

"Keep an eye on that. I'm gonna go put some drinks from the garage to the fridge." I left and grabbed a couple beers and a couple Mike's Lemonades and put them in our fridge inside.

"She's still going." His eyes were glued to the screen.

She'd shut her knees with her hand trapped whenever something significant would happen.

"She's dirty." I laughed.

"Let's call her real quick. I needa shower." Kieran said and I grabbed my phone, calling.

She panicked and paused the film before answering, frozen in place.

We watched her lift her phone to her ear.

"Hey doll. What're you doing?"

"Uhm, just looking over the DVD." Her voice was nearly nothing.

"We ordered Chinese food. Wanna have dinner with us?" I asked, watching the screen as Kieran had a large grin on his face.

She ran her other hand over her hair as if in distress.

She hummed a yeah.

"Grab yourself a water, beautiful. Just come in whenever you arrive, I'll send you our address." I said and she sighed, hanging up.

We watched her cover her face with her hands.

I couldn't help the smile on my face.

"I'm gonna shower." Kieran left and I watched her change into warmer clothes, chugging a bottle of water before leaving there.


I heard the door open and I went to the door, smiling at her.

"Hey love." I whispered and she looked flushed, her pale face, pink.

Her eyes were on my chest and I tipped her chin up.

"Drinks are in the fridge. There's beer, Mike's, waters, soda. Grab whatever you want. The guy should be here soon." I told her, letting her face go.

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