19. Date

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Kieran Richards

I walked around the mall by myself for a while, distracting myself but every time I saw a clothing store I envisioned her beautiful frame.

I was so close to finishing my painting at home, adding sharper detail to her upper body, softer detailing on the lower half.

I remember how she was so desperate to feel my hand over her cunt and it made my head hurt.

I needed a blunt. Or a drink.

I really fucking need her but I gotta wait patiently.

What we have now is something I'm thankful for.

The ability to simply touch her was a blessing.

I imagined how I'd finish my painting.

I needed to shade over her chest because they laid perfectly upon her, I had to add more curvature to her hips and thighs.

I looked and found them inside a jewelry store.

I walked inside, Davian patting my back gently and we watched her study all kinds of things.

She saw me and smiled, walking up to us.

"I don't like anything." She whispered.

We nodded and followed her out.

I had to thicken her arms. The ones I painted weren't right. She had more meat on them and I had to tone them. She was muscular. Not too much. Just a little behind the tricep.

Give her larger love handles. Hers were perfect for back shots.

"Watch yourself." Dav elbowed my side.

I nodded, grateful as I looked around, at anything except her.

She turned and stopped us from walking as she stood in our way.

She crossed her arms, but I pulled her hands to her sides since her tits were gonna fall from the top.

Fucking shit. I'm not a teenage boy I need to get my shit together.

"I'm gonna go in here. You can keep walking if you want." Her eyes landed specifically on me.

I looked and it was a lingerie and undergarment store.

"Do you want me to not go in?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I do. I want to be with you both but I know it's hard currently. That wasn't a pun but it worked." She grinned and I sighed, wrapping my arms around her.

"I'll be fine."

"Liar." Dav whispered in my ear and I glared at him.

He was right.

But I had to get it under control.

So we went inside and she held my hand, Dav holding onto her jeans as she picked out certain things for herself.

I calmed, the more nonchalant she was about what we thought, the better I did.

I was cool.

I was finally acting my age.

We finished up shopping, paying for everything other than that dress from when she was upset.

Then we went to furniture stores, looking for what she wanted for her library.

I looked up stuff on Amazon and let her look.

"These." She showed me and I looked.

"I want them all on the longer part of the wall and on the other wall beside it I want a series of floating shelves as well. I want a small bookcase I can put by a little chair and a rolling cart like this." She showed me and I handed her, her water.

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