Story and Ink

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Murder and Ink were in aw to say the least. At the same time though, they snort to hold laughter on that poor Elize's Asriel, the one who is not only got electrocuted, but also his insides were scrambled thanks for Elize being the energetic 10-year-old. Elize sigh in embarrassment as her face was in brightly red at the stupidity that she did to her Asriel. Elize huff and puff as she spoke out.

"Look you two, it was an accident. You know he had it coming, since, A, he is sneaking around where he isn't supposed to be, and B, him being in here was a shocker, ok?"

Murder and Ink continue holding their mini laughter as they nodded, signaling to Elize that they understand, while they seem to be not. Murder was the first to speak.

"Look, it was an accident, we get it. It is just..."

Murder began to calm himself, while Ink is dowsing himself with anti-Laugh paint onto his mouth. Murder sigh as he spoke out.

"Heh, just that was unexpected that you were approach in a most weird and surprisingly way as possible. Hehe, sorry."

Elize sigh as she spoke out.

"It's ok, just gotten embarrassed just all. Anyways where was I, oh yeah, after discussing about how to set decoys and map of the labyrinth cave systems, we manage to get out of the retched Island. Before you ask, I and my family, along with Asriel's have been living in for as long as we both remember. Guess we were born into there, huh."

She then made the screen shows that Island and it was beautiful.

She then made the screen shows that Island and it was beautiful

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It was sight to behold for both Ink and Murder. Elize sigh as she spoke out.

"As much as I like beaches, oceans and seas, I don't really like this place, since this is literally a prison for me."

Murder teleports with her robe in hand. He raps it around her in which it made her feel comfortable. Elize sigh as she spoke out.

"Thanks, anyways, once were there, were able to escape and see for the first time what was the outside world was like and needless to say, it was the happiest day of my life."

Elize then remember the day where she is in a best day of her life, since ever.


Asriel is navigating and showing Elize the way to the exit of the Cave. Elize is getting impatient about it as she spoke out.

"Dude, when we will be out of this freaking CAVE!"

Asriel sigh as he spoke out.

"When I first started to escape, it took me literal days till I get out. So, if my calculations are correct, then we will be in the destination for at least another hour."

In that moment, 10-year-old Elize went on rant to herself about everything, including this stupid cave. Asriel sigh as he knows on how frustrating this is for her. Asriel then looks ahead and sigh as he spoke out.

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