Story of the Soul

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Murder sense something that allot of beings, ones that aren't Moles, but it was creatures that made out flesh and bones. Murder senses the power that those creatures he sees, and it seems to be difficult for him to take them. Murder then summons some magical seals that Elize gave him in order to block them from even reaching their camp. After that is done, Murder then uses the anchor that Elize put into their camp to teleport back, without risking being in another place all together.

With Ink and Elize

Murder teleport back as Elize and Ink were finishing the patrol to make sure something isn't coming for them. Murder sigh as he spoke out.

"Those fleshy creatures aren't going to get us anytime soon, I made sure of it, thanks for Elize's artifacts."

Elize smiles at Murder as she spoke out.

"Well, you're welcome, buddy, anytime. ;)"

Murder then sits down as Elize and Ink soon followed. Ink who is contempt to continue, then spoke out.

"Hey, now that were in the clear, can you continue the story?"

Murder nodded as he spoke out.

"Ya, sure, just as long as you don't mention that ever again."

Ink made a playful frown as he spoke out.

"Murder, you know that we Sansses can't make promises, right?"

Murder sigh as he spoke out.

"Na, guess I was built different after years spent without worry about all the reset nonsense. Anyways, let's continue the story, after the thing infuse it into me, it manages to teleport me and itself back to my world and we manage to land into the same place. The thing just lied dormant within me and threaten if any hint of anger was coming from me, it will awaken it and cause me problems to myself and others. Of course, I was terrified as I tried all that I can to remove myself from that thing, but it is no use as I realize that if this thing is out, then all hell will be lose, and I can't afford to have that. So, I hunt that lesser version of that Hate down, but I can't seem to find it, almost like someone have got it before me, which soon later that it was found and capture by Jessica, the leader of AMD, or Anti Monster Department. HER...actions are what lead to Bête gaining Hate, though I am super grateful that she only got the lesser version, or God knows what she'll do, or Bête can't control the beast and start a rampage. After that, Horror appeared and tried to force me to be with what you all know is Nightmare, and his gang. The fight was brutal, but since my stats is through the roof, and because of my Magic, let's just say that he went on a Surprise Pikachu on how strong I was, as I was able to beat him on a fight, which I describe as a strength match. After that, Bête appear and with her companion, Akumu, manage to manipulate basically everyone with her so-called innocents. Heh, unfortunately, I immediately see right through the manipulation, and Bête realize this, hence she saw me as a threat. Then, events played as Paps was frame, some Monsters and Humans incidents, and more, which I see that Jessica and Bête is what the cause."


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