Battle of Decaying DETERMINATION

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An explosion happened as JustBalance got knock back into the wind as Omen then summons his Plus-Bang, a combination of the miniaturize version of the Leviathan-Blaster called DT-Blasters and Plus-Blasters that were powerful enough to distort and corrupts the very concepts of reality, or at least a multiverse length of it. Omen then rushes in and punch him with his Rainbow Gauntlet. Then Omen summons his fireballs and Arrow-Blast to rain down upon JustBalance. Then, Omen warp physics to make it difficult to counterattack and to make his life hell. All of a sudden, a huge warp of space and time were somehow, physics is no longer exist and reality became whole again. Murder side of Omen had a feeling of dread as JustBalance came in and blast Omen into the face with the Soulless-Eyes, causing his atoms to fizzle out of existence. Fortunately, due to his DT, he was not only able to defy the effects of the Soulless-Eyes, but also redirected back at the caster as JustBalance swat it away, showing the growth of power like previously. But the thing is that Omen is shown to be growing and evolving as his DT and Hate is the source of his everlasting might as he proceeded to create millions of Hyperverses and slam it down on JustBalance. JustBalance then shoots this down with his demonic screech, causing all nearby planets and Hyperverses to be shatter and splinter into haft like a tree. Elize seeing this and realize this fight is going to be even more destructive than predicted as she prepares to something and spoke out.

"Let's see I can make good for this spell as I haven't use this in a while."

All of a sudden, all of physics is restore and making sure that the damage is not furthered go on. Elize sigh as she spoke out.

"Hopefully that this will end soon."

With Lily

Lily is scrambling around to find something that can help out, while Cam and Robin are rushing to find items that might make the situation better for everybody. Lily found something that is from the Book of Eyes as she shouted out.


Cam and Robin then look at her as they are confused as Lily then use her magic to alter, and shape in a way that the book instructed for this explosive area and suddenly a ring of magic was form out of nowhere. Amber came in as she spoke to Lily.

"You sure this is the one? Cause I am pretty sure that this spell will give one hell of a burdened to your body if you use this."

Lily shook her head as she spoke out. 

"Well, I have to, so that we can help. I just don't want to see more deaths and destructions everywhere."

Then Robin steps in and spoke out.

"Then, we will take the load."

Lily was a bit surprise as Cam came in and spoke out.

"Ya, it is not like you are the only one who has the same problem as us sis."

She realizes this and smiles, knowing that Cam and robin is right as Amber empowered her, transforming into her Soul form. 


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