22. "Rakshak"

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This chapter will have many POVs


Indrajeet POV

This was my last chance and I ran after them. Before they could understand anything I attacked them from behind and ripped their bodies apart with my sword.

I knew it would take no time for my step brother to know what I was about to do so I had to be quick. The princess did not react even a bit when I slaughtered two men before her. A few blood drops had fallen on her but she stood there without any hesitation. She was definitely broken! I felt really bad about her condition.

My horse was all set and the kalasha (metallic pots) carrying the ashes of all our loved ones was placed in a bag carefully by the priests. They had done this much before leaving us alone. I ran towards that bag and tied it carefully to my horse.


I turned back to see that Rajkumari had fainted. She was not given anything to eat or drink and she was looking very pale and weak at that moment. I rushed towards her in urgency and picked her up in a bridal style. I carried her to my horse and made her lie on it. I quickly climbed it and brought her up into my arms. She seemed lifeless but she was breathing. I wanted to feed her something but I did not have anything at that moment. I removed the cloth that I was wearing on my shoulder and tied it around her and my body. Her head was resting on my chest and I caged her from both the sides and held the reins of my horse signalling it to run.

It started running and I did not turn back. It was getting dark and by the time Samrat would come to know about us we will cover enough distance to get caught. I had initially thought of taking her to Devgarh but my people told me that it is not safe anymore. The people there have started hating the royal family. There was only one place where I could take her right now and that was Raghav's Gurukul. Raghav was the head commander of Devgarh and I had met him a few times. He was a gentleman and was extremely loyal to the royal family. I still believed that he was a safe space for Princess. Also Samrat didn't know about this place so it would take him a long time to find where we were. I signalled my horse to run towards Him regions and we kept running.

Yuddhjeet POV

"Sam.....Samra......Samrat! Rajkumar Indra...... Rajkumar Indrajeet took her aw...away!"

The attendee said with an extremely scared voice and I turned back carrying my sword angrily to chop off his head. Within a few moments, his head got decapitated. I was so angry that I could feel my veins burning at this moment. I felt like I would burst like a volcano.


I screamed at top of my lungs and my mother held me

"Calm down son! This is the third person you've killed till now. They are your people. Are you fucking out of your mind?" My mother held both of my arms and said this angrily while shaking me.

"I WILL KILL THAT INDRAJEET!" I SWEAR.." I screamed looking at her.

"And I will never stop while doing that, but calm down right now!" My mother said while cupping my cheeks.

"DON'T FUCKING LOOK AT US. GO AND FIND THEM." I yelled at the soldiers that were standing there and they immediately left.

Raghav POV

(The three days mentioned here are the ones when Chandralekha's disrobing and Rooplekha's rape took place and two days after that. This is one day before Indrajeet escaped with Chandralekha)

It's been three since I was travelling and now I was finally in Kashi. All the way there was something that was hurting me. My chest was aching badly since the first day of my travel. I felt like someone was calling me for help. I knew Rajkumari Chandralekha needed me but all this time I was remembering Roop. I don't know why it was happening to me. All the time that we've spent together. Her smiles, her hugs, her calling me bhaiya, her irritated face, everything was coming before my eyes and I was feeling emotional. My eyes had turned teary so many times in this journey. I hope my Roop is fine.

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