24. Sweet and sour

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Mahil :

"So, I have noticed, you seem lost since the day Kuhoo last showed up here. Although I expected her to dance but I understand her situation. She probably is left with very little energy by end of the day." Rahul walked beside me, his one hand circled around Riya's shoulder as Frey locked the studio.

"Why did she agree in the first place to refuse later? Anyways who cares," I shrugged as my assistant looked curiously between us. He didn't get a chance to ask me anything about the woman for which I was thankful because I had no answers to anyone's questions about me and Kuhoo.

"She probably didn't wish to dishearten me. I was just so happy to meet her that it skipped my mind. But now I wonder if she is even comfortable attending my wedding." Rahul uttered.

"Why would that make her uncomfortable?" I looked at Rahul anticipating an explanation.

He startled, "Did I say that?"

I pressed my lips in a thin line as he did it again. He wouldn't tell what exactly happened with Kuhoo but he also didn't stop bringing it up in one way or other.

"I kind of still find it hard to believe that Kuhoo and Adi aren't together." He sighed.

"You talk as if they are some epic movie characters. Made for each other and shit," The words rolled out through my tongue leaving a bitter taste as I opened the car door.

"Only if you saw them a few years back." He replied before driving off with Riya.

"When are you going to tell her boss?" Frey asked as he started the engine.

"Tell her what?" I scrolled through my phone staring at the official invite Rahul had sent me last night.

"That you like her," He glanced through rear view mirror stating the obvious.

"How would you react if you were her and I said I like you?"

"I don't know her enough to know that."

"Exactly, I don't know her enough, Frey. Who knows how she would react," I exhaled shaking my head because maybe I did. I knew exactly how she would respond to those words. And that bothered me.

In all these years my mind made up many scenarios about our life together, stories where I fell for her at first sight, following her everywhere as if she was my light, or how we would walk together side by side, fingers entwined, I would get us coffee when she would talk to the moon in our balcony and then smile at me resting her head on my shoulder as we chat, or how our fights would always end with ferocious make outs, kissing her against the wall with those hands roaming all over me. I blinked rubbing my temple coming out of the imaginary world.

For some reason, I always thought she would fall for me in the same manner. Whenever doubts and 'what ifs' made their way to my mind, what if she wouldn't reciprocate my feelings, what if she loved someone else, what if she chose another man over me or before meeting me; I would shush those thoughts chanting she was there, waiting for me in some part of the world. I needed that assurance back then. I probably was desperate for it when there wasn't a face to my imagination.

I wanted her world to revolve around me just the way my one did even before knowing the woman. That was where I went wrong. I had so many expectations from a hypothetical woman. With Kuhoo, I didn't know what to expect. For God's sake, people still talked about her and that man years after their separation or whatever it was. Although we were not in a relationship but it hurt.

"You should tell her boss. That's the only way to know her answer," Frey suggested.

"And who's going to take care of me when she says no?" I grunted.

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