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"Oh my god I love winterssssss.'
Archana screamed in joy jumping down from her bed.
Wrapping her hands around her, she walked out of her room.

"Why you guys are here? "
She frowned finding guards at the door step.

"Hukum sa order! madam."
She sighed,
Ske doesn't even the like the idea of guards even around the palace.
Now they reached until her door.

"No, I don't want you guys not even around upstairs, you guys are intruding my privacy. "
She raised her voice walking forward all while huffing to herself.
She kept mumbling something under her breathe all the while walking surrounded by guards,
"Why is today so much security?"
She questioned to herself finding gaurds with their serious faces every where. Down the stairs, at the door step of every room.
Her feet walked to dining table, opening the lids she scrunched up her nose finding veg dishes,
She smirked finding chicken lollipops.
Taking  it in her hand. She forwarded it her mouth.

( ippudu kartika maasan, non veg tinaku atleast on nondays and fridays)
Now it's the month of Kartika, don't eat non-veg atleast on Mondays and Fridays.
Her mother's words rang in her head.

"Sorry mummy par chicken ke liye kuch bhi. "
Saying she stuffed it in her mouth walking forward.

"Mam you can't go out, it's hukum sa's order to not let you out. "
Archana turned her face to the guard who is at the palace entrance door.

"Ain't going anywhere but to the lawn."
She answered back.

"Still madam, hukum sa ordered us not to let you step out of the palace."
Please mam, try to understand.

"Hell with your orders, Ain't going anywhere but to the garden, you can't stop me, I will go out anyways if I want, just get away."
She is pissed enough now.

"Madam! I can't go against hukum sa's orders, he would be so furious if I let you go out, try to understand."
He tried to make her understand.
Archana sighed in acceptance when the flash back of abhimaan lashing out on Butler's for sitting with her replayed in her mind.

Sighing she turned her heels back.
Stopping at her steps she walked to guard, she clicked her tongue in irritation when he bowed his head a little down again

"See Mr. Security, I am sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, but it just my words slipped out of mouth. "
She frowned when the guard gave her a horrifying expression as If he has seen a ghost.
He looked here and there.

"Madam, you said this time but never ever apologize, it's our duty"
"Please don't say sorry."

"Huhhh? "
She made a confusing face walking away.

"Bade ajeeb log hain yaha, koi sorry accept nhi karega or koi thankyou."
Huffing to herself she flipped her hair.

The silent palace echoed with the heavy footsteps of abhimaan who just reached the palace.
His steps automatically took him to their room,
Pushing the door lightly he noticed Archana who is sleeping resting her face on the couch in sitting position being on the floor.
He walked to her and removed the headphones from her ears.
His sight fell on the book laying on her couch
"The fine print"
He read out the tittle clenching his jaw.

"I don't know what's your name you damn fictional man but, you should stay away from her, as she is my wife and she loves me, it's her kind heart that makes her admire everyone and don't get your hopes high"
Abhimaan gritted gripping the book in his hands.

"Because she is mine"
I wish you are real so that I can finish you off with my hands"
He slammed the book on the table making her stir in her sleep.
He noticee her rubbing her eyes, pacing towards her, he crouched down taking her into his arms.

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