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e got up from his bed, went inside the bathroom and locked it. I knocked but there's no response...

"Are you okay?" I asked...

"I'm f-fine. Just l-leave me alone, p-please." I hear him sob...

Hearing him say that made me feel something in my chest. It feels as if it was being pricked with needles repeatedly...

"Okay. I'll come back later." I said quietly and sighed...

I went out of his house and started to walk. As I walk, I started reminiscing our childhood days.

I was playing at the sandbox of the playground behind our school. Filling up the toy buckets with sand and tipping it over. I was trying to build a sand castle but it
always get destroyed.

"Can I play with you?" A kıd

"No." I said and continued to try build a sand castle. I thought the kid left but I saw him get one of my bucket and fill it with sand, too...

I got mad and snatched it from him. I hear him cry but I just continued repeating the process of building a sand castle...

A strong wind blew and some
of the sand got blew away. I feel stinging in my right eye...

"MOMMY! I GOT SAND IN MY eye." I shouted while rubbing it with my hand...

"Open your eye slowly. I'll
blow it away." It wasn't my mom's voice but I still opened it slowly. I felt a wind blew on my eye and I blinked rapidly. Soon, the stinging feeling was gone. My sight adjusted for a moment and saw the kid...

"Is your eye okay now?" He asked and I nod...

"Thank you." I said.

"Can you help me make a sand castle?" I asked him since he helped me with the sand-in-the-eye problem...

He nodded and I gave him a bucket. After a few minutes we have our sand castles and we cheered...

I smiled to myself with that memory. I missed that day...

As I reached my house, I saw Lisa waiting outside...

"Hey baby." She said and kissed me.

"Hey." I replied.

"What are you doing here?" I added.

"I came to see you." She said.
So, we got inside of my bedroom and sat. She started talking about something but I never paid attention...

"Urghh... I don't understand this thing." I said while scratching my head in frustration. I've been
rereading the whole mathematical problem but I don't know how I will solve it...

I hear Taehyung chuckle. Hewas already done with his assignment. So now, he is playing some game on his phone while lying down on my bed..

"You need help?" He asked.

"Yes, please." I said..

So he read the problem in the book and he explained to me what to do.
A few minutes later, I showed it to him to see if it's correct. He gave it to me and nod his head yes...

"JUNGKOOK!" I hear Lisa scream my name.

"Are you okay?" She asked...

"Yes, I'm fine. I just remembered my childhood memories with Taehyung." I said and smiled...

"Say his name again." She

"Taehyung." And I smiled.

"Why did you date me?" She

"Because I like you. You're beautiful, Lisa." I said...

"Damn, you're so stupid. Yes, you do like me but you're in love with taehyung." She said...

"What?" I asked confused..

"Say his name, again." She
"Tae-." I was stopped by her fingers.

"See. You're smiling. Just admit it that you love him before it's too late. I'll be fine." She said...

"I love him?" I asked...

"Yes. You wouldn't be so worried with him if you don't love him. You wouldn't think of him if you don't love him." She said...

"Jungkook, I can see it in his eyes, too. He loves you more than just a friend." She added...

Maybe, she is right. No, scratch that. She is right.

So, I ran back to his house. I
ran and ran and ran. When I reached there, I went straight to his bedroom. I opened it but it was empty.

"Taehyung!" I shouted. I went to
look for him around the house
but I didn't see him...

When I went to the kitchen,
I saw something. A white paper folded neatly...

It said:
To my beloved, bestfriend,
Jungkook. I opened it and read.

Hey, jungkook. I just wanted to
say thank you for everything. For the great years of friendship. You're the best
friend I ever had and I'm just burden to you. I'm sorry...

I'm sorry for lying about my about my amnesia. I could never forget you. I remembered everything perfectly. I'm so stupid, right? 3
I love you. I love you more than just a friend. And I admit it, I'm a coward for letting you know it through this letter. I love you and I want you to be happy. Love someone who makes your heart beat fast with happiness. That's love, right? Seeing you happy makes me happy even though I'm not the reason for it.
I didn't tell you that I will be leaving because I don't want to bother you anymore with all my drama.
Have I mentioned I love you? Oh yeah.

So, I love you and goodbye.

Truly yours, taehyung.

After reading the letter, tears were falling down on my cheeks. It's too late..

I'm so stupid.


To be continue...

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