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The venue was packed. The concert had sold out within days of tickets going on sale, but that wasn't surprising given True Damage's fame. A good portion of those ticket sales were snapped up by scalpers using computer programs to secure a strong percentage of them over actual buyers.

It was something that grated on Renata's sensibilities. Scalpers were always a facet of the business, but they'd gotten distinctly more obnoxious with the advent of the digital age.

Regardless, most of the tickets had eventually made their way into the hands of actual concertgoers if the sheer crowd was anything to go by. It helped that Renata had secured a few strong up-and-comers as opening acts, simultaneously doing Karim another favor.

The only question now was whether or not her gambit would work. Y/N had all the anger he needed to give himself an iconic edge over the others and truly shine, but would he use it? Would he use that volcanic anger that was buried under the iridescent sheen that he coats himself with?

Or would he simply burn away?

Tonight would be the deciding factor. Come the morning, either Y/N would be Renata's new project, or she would be ripping up her contract and telling Karim to stuff the shreds somewhere that not even a Zaunite joygirl would go.

Renata rode the elevator up to a booth seat that had been specially erected for the VIP pass holders. They were movers and shakers from various industries here to see if the boy that Akali had dragged off of YouTube would be the next big thing or the next scandal for them to comfortably flay apart over double-strength mimosas and brunch.

She ignored them all as she wove through them to her seat. They didn't really care if he succeeded or not. They were just hungry for their next fix of entertainment. Either that entertainment would come at Y/N's expense or someone else's. In the end, it didn't matter. It never mattered.

She took her seat just as the lights dimmed and the roar of the crowd rose and then fell in desperate anticipation. More hungry mouths to feed. Something pulled at the edges of Renata's lips as she wondered if they were really about to get a bite of the cloying sweetness they expected or something wholly different. A new flavor altogether.

One they would have to be more careful about.

• • • •
• • • •

Blue. Not really his color, whoever thought it was, is almost as fucking stupid as his manager. And yet, he still makes the outfit look clean.

He'd prefer some Nikes over whatever the hell they gave him, but he makes it work nonetheless.

"'Oh what to-do to die today at a minute or two 'til two'," Someone murmured, under their breath - a tongue twister to help them focus up and calm their nerves, "'A thing distinctly hard to say yet harder still to do..."

"Yo, will you shut up?" That was Ekko, "Making me anxious as fuck."

"Yeah, no offense, but I'd prefer not having your breath on my neck." That was Senna.

"Hot ass breath." Qiyana was quick to add.

"Damn, my bad." That was Yasuo apologizing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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