you don't feel good enough

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"Knock, knock," Selena said as she opened the bathroom door.

Taylor stood right beside her and they both smiled brightly at you.

Upon taking a good look at you though, they became completely speechless.

"Wow..." Taylor spoke in awe. "Baby, you look amazing."

You turned around to face your girlfriends and you stared at them, almost disappointed.

"I'm not so sure if I want to go tonight."

Your words made them both frown.

"What? Why not, baby?" Selena asked.

You walked out of the bathroom and sat at the edge of the bed, trying your hardest to keep from looking at your reflection in the mirror.

"Why not? I thought you were excited about going to this event with us." Taylor frowned as she sat down beside you.

"I know but... then I saw my reflection in the bathroom mirror and now I'm not so excited." You confessed.

"What?" Taylor spoke and you could hear the sadness in her voice.

"Baby, you're beautiful," Selena said as she brushed her hand across your back.

You shrugged your shoulders wordlessly.

"Sometimes, people leave comments on my posts about how perfect you both are and how I'm never going to be good enough for you two. They ask me how I managed to land you both, two gorgeous girls, when I'm so... not gorgeous."

They looked at each other for a second, both their hearts breaking.

"I just don't know if I feel like going out. You both look breathtaking and I don't and people will just say mean things and I don't know if I'm in the right state of mind to deal with it all."

"That's understandable, baby. Sometimes, people's words can be too much to handle and too hard on your mental health. We know how that goes completely." Selena said.

"But, Y/N, you look breathtaking too. Even if you don't feel it, I promise you, you do." Taylor said with a soft smile.

"I just don't feel like I'm enough sometimes. You both deserve better. You deserve someone prettier, funnier, someone who's... good enough."

"Who put that idea in your head? You are enough, Y/N. You're more than good enough." Selena promised.

"You're so beautiful. We love you just the way you are. We wouldn't ever want anyone else. You're our whole entire world." Taylor said.

You sighed and shrugged your shoulders once more.

"This is our relationship. It's between the three of us, not anyone else. We don't care at all what people say because we're in love with you and each other and no one can ever change that." Selena spoke.

You looked at Taylor and then at Selena as a small smile pulled at your lips.

"People enjoy making others miserable. People love to hate others whenever they get the chance. But those are just miserable, jealous people who have nothing better to do with their lives." Taylor said. "What they say is untrue and will never define you."

"You're perfect, baby. In our eyes, at least. Whoever disagrees can keep being miserable trolls. But don't let it get to you. Because we love you more than anything and nothing will ever change that." Selena smiled.

You started to smile a little more and then your smile turned into giggles as they kissed your face.

"There it is." Selena grinned.

"There's that beautiful smile we love so much!" Taylor happily spoke.

"Thank you for making me feel better. I love you both so much."

"We love you more," Taylor said. "Which is why we want to show you off to the world tonight. Will you come with us?"

You realized then that the rest of the world's opinions and thoughts meant nothing.

Not when you have two beautiful girlfriends who adore you and love you just as you are.

If they think you're beautiful, then you must be beautiful.

So you agreed to go to the event with them because you didn't want to miss out on such an amazing night with your girlfriends.

You knew it would be incredible as long as they were by your side.

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