you have an allergic reaction (requested)

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"What a fantastic meal," Selena said as she shoved her plate back a little. "I'm so full."

"Me too," Taylor spoke in agreement. "It was good though and I'm so happy we could come out for dinner together, all three of us. I've missed spending time with my girls."

You smiled as you put your head on her shoulder and your hand on Selena's thigh.

You're sitting right between the two of them in the booth, just enjoying your time with them on this beautiful evening.

"Ladies, how was your meal today?" The waitress asked as she came back around.

"So good. Thank you." Taylor smiled.

"Can I get anything else for you? Refills? Dessert?"

"I think I might be too full for dessert. What about you two?" Selena spoke.

"Oh, no thank you. I'm full," Taylor said.

"I'm kinda full too but I wouldn't mind having a little something." You said.

"Okay! What would you like?" The waitress asked.

"What do you have?"

"We have a delicious brownie that also comes with hot fudge on it if you would like that. Or we have strawberry cheesecake and ice cream."

"The brownie, please." You politely spoke.

"Okay, no problem. I'll be right back with that!" The waitress said before walking away.

You started to talk with your girlfriends about something funny that you recently read, as well as other things that came to your mind.

They listened and laughed as they, too, enjoyed this wonderful evening with you and each other.

"Here you go!" The waitress smiled as she set the brownie down in front of you.

It was on a small plate and came covered in hot fudge and a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

"Thank you so much!" You grinned before you began to dig in.

"Anything else?"

"No, thank you. We're good for now." Selena smiled.

"Okay. I'll grab your bill and bring it around in just a minute. Enjoy."

And with that, she walked away again, leaving the three of you alone as you practically devoured the brownie.

It was delicious and you enjoyed every bite.

Until it suddenly became hard to breathe.

You dropped the spoon on the plate and cleared your throat as it started to feel tight all of a sudden.

"Everything okay, baby?" Taylor asked as she noticed you shifting around between her and Selena in discomfort.

You couldn't reply though because you were starting to panic.

You could feel that it was getting harder to breathe and your airway was starting to swell.

You knew what was happening.

You were having an allergic reaction.

"Y/N, what is it?" Selena asked in concern as her hand fell to your back gently.

"I can't breathe." You said in between gasps of air.

Taylor and Selena shared a terrified expression.

"She didn't say anything about nuts, did she?" Taylor asked before grabbing the spoon and tearing the rest of the brownie on the plate apart.

"No, she didn't. There's no way Y/N would've got it if she had." Selena spoke as her heart started to race in fear.

You're highly allergic to nuts.

There's no way you would ever take any chances on eating them.

"Shit!" Taylor said. "There's peanuts in this."

"My EpiPen." You said as you pointed to your pocket.

You always carry it around with you, just to be safe.

And your girlfriends had never felt more thankful that you did so because this was the one time that you desperately needed it.

Selena reached into your pocket and pulled it out.

"I just put it in her thigh, right?" Selena asked as she looked at you and Taylor.

You nodded your head as Taylor rubbed your shoulder comfortingly.

"Breathe, baby, breathe. It's okay, you're going to be just fine."

Selena stuck the EpiPen into your thigh and it clicked.

Selena counted to three before pulling it away.

"We need to get you to the emergency room. Right now!" Taylor said.

"Is everything okay over here?" The waitress asked as she returned to the table.

"No! Our girlfriend had an allergic reaction to that brownie. There's nuts in it!" Selena said in anger. "She could've died! Thank god she had her EpiPen but if she hadn't, things could've been so much worse!"

"I'm so sorry!" The waitress spoke.

"Come on, we don't have much time. It could wear off or she could have another allergic reaction. We have to go now." Taylor urgently spoke.

She picked you up while Selena grabbed your things, as well as hers and Taylor's, before following you both out of the restaurant.

Taylor decided to drive while Selena sat in the backseat with you, holding your hand and comforting you while Tay drove as fast as she could to the nearest emergency room.

"You're going to be just fine, sweet girl. Just hang in there for us, okay? Stay calm, we're right here with you." Selena said as she squeezed your hand, encouraging you to squeeze hers with all of your might.

"Everything will be okay, baby. I promise. We're so close to the hospital." Taylor promised as she continued to try and get you to the hospital as fast as possible.

And even though you were scared, you didn't let Selena's hand go and you listened to every encouraging and comforting word that your girls told you, knowing that you'd be okay as long as you had them to lean on.

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