CH. 12 Casual Friday

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Luke and I were meeting with my grandfather to insist on our petition to have casual Fridays. The both of us together could get more done rather than working apart. Grandfather would have to hear us out if we came to the meeting. Progress had to be made and basically nothing had been achieved. If we did not want our fellow classmates to become a mob and chase us with spading forks then we needed to prove to them that we were capable of making a change.

On one side of the long wooden table, grandfather sat in a firm posture. Just looking at him made me want to jump up and shake around. Wiggle my hands up in the air. Stretch to no end. Dance around. I slouched but was nudged in the ribs by Luke. Respectfully, he sat up straight across from my grandfather.

Grandfather opened his mouth to officially begin the meeting, though, the door to the conference room opened. I looked over my shoulder and saw a very provoking and smiling Isabel. Those skinny jeans of hers gave us a lot to stare at. Judging by my grandfather's face, he disapproved of her outfit that very much complimented her slim figure.

"Sorry for the delay," she welcomed herself to take a seat next to me.

From underneath the table, I placed my hand on her thigh and gave it a pad. Her lips pursed as she scooted in her chair. Discreetly, her eyes narrowed down to look at my hand on her knee. Luke's firm posture did not give him room for much movement, therefore, not allowing him to look at anything underneath the table. He was oblivious to me being touchy-feely with Isabel. Grandfather sat all the way across the table, so he did not notice either.

"Ms. Hart, next to time try to be more considerate of us and be on time," grandfather gave her crap about it.

"Well, she's here now, ain't she," I shook my head in disbelief. "Why don't we start on what's important? On making a change," I got the meeting started, so that we wouldn't waste any more time.

Grandfather scolded me, "Either be respectful or leave," he warned. I sighed. Wow.

Nervously, Luke chuckled, "No need for that," he pinched my leg in order to keep me quiet. Not appreciating it, I pinched him back. Meanwhile, grandfather opened a folder. Luke gave me another pinch, starting a pinching war. Taking my turn, I gave him a more painful one, to which he returned with a worse one.

Smirking mischievously, I pinched his leg plus a twist.

"Ouch!" Isabel yelped and pushed my hand away. Realizing that I made a mistake, my eyes widened as my smirk immediately disappeared. In complete confusion, both Luke and my grandfather looked over at Isabel. Working as a cover up, a smile appeared on her face, "Sorry," she apologized and played with her earring as she looked down at the table to hide her pink cheeks.

Shit. I got so caught up in the pinching war with Luke that I accidentally pinched her. It just happened so fast. My left hand reacted before my right hand could. In a apologizing form and making it up for her, I rubbed the sore spot on her thigh.

"I hear that you have an idea that benefits the institution?" grandfather eyed Luke, wanting to intimidate him. Cheater, I mentally remarked.

"Yes," Luke confirmed, standing his ground. Although, it was clear that he was afraid to continue. His voice was no longer all that steady. "Nicole and I think that it will benefit our classmates, including ourselves, to have casual Fridays."

Bored, grandfather had a long face, showing how unimpressed he was. "I've already said no to Nicole," he stated, dismissing the suggestion.

Isabel leaned in on her elbows, "But have you considerate it?" she questioned him. "I'm sorry but you're supposed to do what's best for your students, right? Correct me if I'm wrong but you're coming off as a very stubborn man who's afraid of change," she described him. His eyebrows furrowed, taken back by her approach with him. "With all due respect, by denying them the right of change, you're getting in the way of them growing as individuals," she gave her opinion.

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