CH. 6 Birdy

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Other candidates hated on me because I won. Sore losers weren't welcomed to my party anyways. Although, I kind of did want them to come. I would have liked for them to be more supportive. I don't know, that would have been nice. The party wouldn't have been only for me. I would have liked to celebrate my victory with them. After all, they put effort into their campaigns. They deserved to be rewarded somehow as well. Oh well, their loss.
The party at home was one to remember but unfortunately, most of us blocked out from too much drinking. Needless to say that my parents were not home to supervise. They went out to dinner... all night.

For those who did not show up, I had another idea planned for them. Most students who attended at Everdeen had strict parents. I felt bad for them, so why not have another party at school? That had never been done before but come on, I won the elections. A celebration was a must. My grandpa had to agree or at least I was hoping so.

As the new student body president, I had to prove to my classmates that I was going to make changes. One of those changes had to be an event... such as a party. Grandpa had to support me on this.

Before going to see my grandpa, I made my way to Isabel's class. The main reason of my visit was to collect a few art materials. If my grandpa agreed on the celebration, then I would need them to make a poster to inform everyone.

"Nikki, hey," Isabel's forehead creased as she saw me walking in. She stopped cleaning up and sat on a desk, all while still keeping her eyes on me.

"Teacher, hey," I mimicked her tone. "Say, what lasts more, this one or this one?" I asked while pointing to two different types of hard paper. Isabel hopped off the desk and made her way over to the table that I stood in front of. Taking her time, she studied both pieces of paper. "You see, it's for a poster that needs to last all throughout the day," I added in a bit of more information, in case it helped.

"Either works," she rested her hands on her hips. I felt her stare turn to me.

I turned my head towards her as well and returned a smile. Rolling her eyes, she nudged me in the ribs playfully. "Why'd you do that?" I laughed and grabbed the first paper at reach.

"I don't know," and with that said, she walked elsewhere. "What's the poster for?" she asked. By the sound of it, she wanted to make conversation. It gave me the vibe that she did not want me to leave just yet.

"To announce a celebration for my victory," I grinned, feeling very excited about it.

Isabel's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Your grandfather is allowing it?"

I shook my head no, "But I'm going to ask." Doubtfully, she burst out laughing. I sighed at that. "I'm not taking a no for an answer," I stated very firmly. Apparently, having no faith in me, she crossed her arms, not too sure about that. "You'll see."

"If you say so," she dropped the subject. "By the way, you still haven't turned in an assignment," she reminded. "Before you start making posters that might not be used at the end of the day, you should finish up on missing assignments," she suggested so very kindly.

"It's just art," I brushed it off as if it weren't as important.

"Excuse me?" Oops, I offended her.

"Nothing, I'll eventually get to it," I said quickly before heading out.

"Nikki, wait!" she called before I could take off.

"Yep?" I leaned back in.

"Meet me after school at my place," she arranged.

"Sure," I winked and left.


According to the secretary, grandpa was coming back into his office shorty. I welcomed myself into his office either way. Meanwhile as I waited, I organized his pens. Or disorganized. Depended on how he would take it as. Hopefully he would appreciate it.

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