CH. 7 Movie Day

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A movie day was not what I had in mind in terms of a celebration. Judging by the reaction of my classmates, they were content nonetheless. I guess anything was better than nothing. Unlike them, I was disappointed by what my grandfather arranged. Just a movie and snacks. People were happy though. It meant no classes for the day. It served the purpose about making some sort of change since this had never been done before. How sad.

Bored by the Little Mermaid, I yawned and sat back against my seat in the auditorium. My eyes shifted to Kayla, watching her eat away while her eyes stayed glued to the screen. The Little Mermaid was her all time favorite movie.

"Nikki," a whisper woke me up. Luke waved me over to him. He was on his knees, hiding behind a small space. I sat up and checked for Ms. Bitch. She was walking down the aisle, making sure to keep everyone under control. "Nikki," Luke called for me once again when Ms. Bitch walked elsewhere.

Quietly, I got on my knees and crawled my way to Luke. Some other dude was with him.

"What's going on?" I hid inside the small space with them.

"We need your help," Luke started. "Well, he does," he rephrased while taking a glance towards his friend. Timidly, the guy looked down. Luke continued on his behalf. "Promise not to tell anyone what I'm about to tell you."

The fuck. I had no interest in knowing. They're the ones who needed to tell me, so must I promise to keep a secret?

Either way, I did, "Sure, I promise."

Luke and the guy exchanged a look. Clearly, his friend was worried. Based off the sweat forming on his forehead, this was something serious and he was not too sure whether they should tell me. Now I definitely wanted to know.

"Brandon is gay," Luke informed. Just then, Brandon looked away from me, as if he were afraid that I was going to judge him. Me out of all people? Come on, did he not know me? I didn't know him, so he probably didn't either.

"Cool, me too," to ease the tension, I held my hand up to give him a high five. Just to make him feel accepted. There was nothing wrong with being gay. Out of relief, a small smile was forming on his face. Awe. It made me smile to make that happen.

Luke smiled at that. "Now that that's out of the way," he continued. Oh, so that was not the main point? "Let me add that he's not out yet." Oh, okay. That definitely would be a drag for Brandon. It made me feel for him. "So, he needs you to pretend to be his girlfriend."

Wow... putting me on the spot there, huh.

I chuckled nervously. "Dude, everyone knows that I'm not into guys..."

Luke covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing too hard. "You don't need to pretend here, just with his parents," he clarified. "Since his parents started to suspect of him being gay, they've become very strict and rarely let him out of the house," he caught me up. "They don't approve." My eyes shifted to Brandon, whom was clearly upset about it. So much that he could not talk, just looked down in shame. "He's not ready to come out to them, especially since they will never accept it. Can you please pretend to be dating him, so that his parents stop bothering him about it and he can come and go as he pleases?" nervously and with wishful eyes, Luke stated the question once again.

This really put me on the spot. For one part, I wanted to help Brandon but for another, I was just not the kind of person to go through this sort of drama. I wanted to put myself in his shoes. I could only imagine how awful it was to not be accepted by the people who were supposed to love you unconditionally. Fortunately for me, my parents never had a problem with it. They made me feel welcomed regardless of who I was interested in.

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