𝟎𝟏𝟏. digging up katniss

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chapter eleven
digging up katniss

Coriolanus nodded, crouching as his hand traced the floorboards, searching for the correct one. His hand stopped moving. "This one?"

Avery stood by the door. "Yeah."

Thunder rumbled as Coriolanus uncovered the bag that was under the floorboards. It wasn't fishing rods that he found.

He found the gun. The gun that he shot Mayfair with. If this gun was gone, his life could be normal again. All evidence of the crime would be gone.

Coriolanus took the gun in his large hands and rose to his feet. He slowly turned around to face Avery.

She didn't feel safe when she saw him holding a weapon. Not after what he did to Mayfair. She could be next.

"It's the gun," Coriolanus spoke, smiling slightly.

Spruce must have hid it here. Avery didn't know that it was going to be here at all. How did Spruce find the cabin anyways?

"The one you fired at Mayfair. If we destroy that gun, we're free. We can live out here or we can go back home. The evidence will be gone." Avery pieced everything together as she spoke. Without any evidence of Coriolanus's murder, they would be safe.

He smiled again, looking down at the gun. It was like he was envisioning his now clear future. "No more loose ends."

"Besides me," Avery replied sweetly.

"You didn't tell anyone?" he questioned skeptically.

"No. I have no one to tell, Coryo."

Avery could feel the tension in the room rising, but it wasn't in a good way this time. It wasn't the romantic tension that appeared when they kissed, but something else...

Coriolanus felt dangerous. Avery was scared of Coryo for the first time since she's met him. Maybe he needed some time to cool down. Avery decided to go outside, to find resources for them and also to escape  for a bit.

"I'm going to go dig up some katniss, there's a good patch down by the lake."

Avery opened the door and saw the rain coming down harder. Her hair was already drenched. She looked out towards the woods and towards freedom. It wasn't the most ideal time to pick katniss, but it was a good enough time.

"It's still raining," Coriolanus warned in a low voice.

Avery just smiled and looked at him one last time. "I'll be ok."

She ran towards the lake as fast as she could. When she reached the batch of katniss, she realized that the orange scarf Coriolanus had given her had fallen off.

Avery sighed, promising that she would go find it later. She knew that it was important to Coriolanus. She loved its smell of roses aswell, because it's the same scent that Coryo carries.

He seemed to not trust her, which Avery hated. Trust meant a lot to her, and she's the most trustworthy person out there. If Coriolanus truly didn't believe her, she didn't know what to feel. She has proven her devotion to him endless times.

He had anger in his eyes, and she didn't want to be there if he grew too angry, especially since he was holding a gun...

That gun murdered someone. It could easily murder another. Avery wanted to shake the thought, but she simply couldn't.

Avery realized another thing. Coriolanus Snow has full control over her. He's stronger and more powerful; he could easily kill or harm her. And... he has her wrapped around her finger. Avery wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. But her love for him was causing her to want to comply to whatever he said.

It's been minutes since Avery has seen Coriolanus. Before she could even pick a katniss, she heard Coriolanus yelling in the woods.

Avery walked away from the lake, trying to find the sound of Coriolanus's voice.

"Avery, where are you?" he shouted.

He spoke angrily, so Avery stayed quiet.

He suddenly screamed, "Is that poisonous?"

Avery was so confused. Was what poisonous? She began to be terrified for Coriolanus. Was he ok?

"Well, it didn't get me! Were you trying to kill me, Avery?!"

His voice was getting louder and more furious sounding. "I said, are you trying to kill me, Avery? After everything I've done for you!"

Avery was confused and petrified. Coriolanus was going crazy; he was angrier than she had ever heard him. She heard him load his gun.

She whimpered, quietly running through the forest, unsure if she should return to him or run for her life.

She wasn't trying to kill him at all. She was just trying to get out of that cabin to pick katniss and also before he lost his temper. Avery would never hurt him, and even if she wanted to, she doesn't believe that she can.

How was he so bipolar? Just minutes ago he was kissing her like she was his everything and now he was threatening her.

Coriolanus Snow is a mystery to Avery. She once believed that he was an innocent boy who was forced to become a peacekeeper, but she's come to understand that he's more than that. He's not as innocent as Avery was believed he was.

Avery kept moving, but soon she saw him. He was holding the gun he killed Mayfair with! He saw her and she tried to not look back as she ran. She didn't want to see him like this.

Coriolanus started to fire at her and she felt so betrayed. The man she loved was firing a gun at her for some psychotic reason.

She expected to fall dead at any given moment, but he missed. Avery couldn't tell if he was intentionally missing or if she was just fast enough to escape the bullets that were coming in her direction. She liked to assume that it was the first option.


His footsteps were getting quicker and louder. Now he was chasing her. Avery had to go. She had to run as fast as she could.

Avery does not feel safe around Coriolanus Snow anymore.

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