𝟎𝟎𝟑. secrets within the meadow

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chapter three
secrets within the meadow

While Coriolanus was doing his tedious duties as a Peacekeeper, Avery was bravely hunting in the woods.

She was surely not supposed to be out here. While Otto provided a lot for them, Avery had to do things of her own to provide for her family. She had to hunt as much as she hated harming wildlife. A huntress was born in the rough conditions of the Districts.

Avery held her bow low as she silently creeped through the forest. There was a rustling sound, and Avery heard it loud and clear. She focused in on it, blocking out anything but the sounds of nature.

A squirrel scurried through the thick bushes and trees. She silently whipped around, pulling back and releasing an arrow at the animal.

The arrow hit the target directly, and Avery felt a mix of disgust and satisfaction. She was quite fond of animals, but she needed to this to trade or sell at the Hob.

It was illegal, but it was part of survival in Avery's eyes. She knew she would get something in return next time she went to the market and prosper from it.

After her hunt, Avery Spade wandered to the peaceful meadow. She giggled a little as she ran through the green and beautiful blooming area.

This was another place she felt peace at despite being in District 12. She could run around freely instead of being restrained. Avery loved being free.

She found a rock to sit on that was under a shady tree. She blew on a dandelion with a small smile. Avery felt at peace, and wished for that peace to continue.

Footsteps. There was a sound of footsteps behind her. Avery was afraid to turn around, but she did anyways.

Coriolanus Snow was slowly walking towards her.  Thank god it's him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I was told that you would probably be out here."

He had on his Peacekeeper uniform, but he didn't have the helmet on. It didn't feel as if he was on duty, because he looked relaxed.

Avery stood up. "You came down here to see me?" she asked in surprise.

Coriolanus chuckled. "I did say I wanted to see to again, didn't I?"

He continued to walk closer to her as Avery tried her best to remain calm. "You did."

Coriolanus looked around and then back at her, before his hand reached up to her face. His touch sent a spark through Avery's body. It was unlike anything she's ever felt before.

"At first I hated the idea of being sent to District 12. But now I see that there is beauty here."

Was Coriolanus talking about her? The two stood in a beautiful meadow that was within a District that held people with beautiful souls.

Avery thought to herself, if anything is beautiful here, it's Coriolanus himself.

Now that he was closer, Avery could tell that he smelt of roses. She subtly took in the scent. Ironically, Coriolanus pulled a white rose out of thin air. He seemed to be a mind reader of sorts: always knowing exactly what to do and say at the right time.

He smiled, and put the rose in her hair. "Thank you," Avery whispered sweetly.

Moments later, Coriolanus and Avery were sitting in the grass side by side. He didn't look evil like the rest of the Peacekeepers.

"You seem pure, Coriolanus. You don't seem like you're evil like the rest of the Capitol."

As pure as the driven snow.

Those big blue eyes held secrets though. "I've killed someone," Coriolanus told her after a bit of hesitation.

Oh. Avery's heartbeat intensified. She wanted to know who he killed, but she also felt a bit unsafe at the mention of murder.

"Who?" Avery asked with her hands trembling.

He was hesitating to tell her. He didn't trust her yet, which was fair. Avery shocked herself by realizing that she already trusted this Peacekeeper who was a stranger yesterday.

"You can trust me," Avery promised, moving herself a bit closer to him.

Coriolanus took a deep breath. "I killed Bobbin. He was the male District 8 tribute. Sejanus snuck into the arena to pay his respects to Marcus, and I was sent in to retrieve him. All of the tributes began to attack us as we were escaping, and I killed one of them."

There was shame in voice, but at the same time he sounded proud. Coriolanus sounded powerful. Avery was a bit uneasy about this whole situation, and wondered if she should head back home.

Coriolanus gently took her smaller hand in his larger one. "I promise, it was self defense."

His voice was so beautiful that it made her believe him before she even processed his words. It was self-defense, Avery.

"Ok then," she decided.

Coriolanus looked out to see the sun setting in the distance. Avery rested her head on his shoulder. He flinched at the touch, but then relaxed and took in the moment.

They sat there in silence for minutes, just watching the sun set and listening to the sound of each other breathing.

Avery had no idea why Coriolanus was risking his duties as a Peacekeeper for a girl he met yesterday, but she was glad that he was here.

"It's getting late. Can I escort you home again?"

Avery sprung to her feet. "Of course. I don't want the other Peacekeepers to find out what you're doing though."

Coriolanus nodded in agreement. "They can't. The only one that knows is Sejanus."

Avery felt joy for the first time in a while. In the tough world of survival and war, she found a light even within someone she expected to be cruel. Coriolanus and her talked as if they have known each other for ages the entire way back to Avery's home.

He followed her to the door this time. As soon as Avery opened it, Gywnn greeted her with a hug but immediately stepped back when she saw Coriolanus who now had his helmet on.

"Av... did you do something wrong?" her little voice asked in terror.

Avery felt a stinging in her heart. Gywnn must think that a Peacekeeper came home with her because they were in trouble. Maybe she suspected that someone became aware of her illegal hunting.

"No, it's ok, Gwynn. This is Coriolanus, he's friendly."

Coriolanus didn't really know how to respond so he just gave the little girl a small smile and a wave.

Gywnn didn't seem convinced.

Coriolanus sensed the uncomfortable tension between the sisters. "I'll get going. Have a good night."

Before he left, he did something that he was hesitant to do. Coriolanus kissed Avery on the cheek and walked away. As soon as his back was turned from her, his lips curled into a small smirk.

Avery was left blushing and staring at the tall figure who walked away in the darkness. She closed the door and followed Gwynn inside.

Gwynn immediately rushed over to Gretchen, whispering something in her ear. Gretchen began to burst out in laughter.

"You have a boyfriend, Av?"

No, no she did not. She couldn't help but laugh at the childish words that her sisters exclaimed.

"No, I just found a Peacekeeper who really is peaceful."

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