Gay Panic at the Disco, pt-2

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(Credit- Spooky2515)

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(Credit- Spooky2515)

The spotlights of the opera house seemed to only focus on the two of us, my usually limited attention span completely focused on the stunning figure before me.
It started with slow steps, moving to the beat of the music in unison. But what started as a simple waltz grew into something a little more... Romantic.
The moves became more intent, with meaning behind each subtle movement of the hand and each step.
Like actors on a stage, we performed to perfection while enjoying it to our heart's content.
I felt myself smile, a smile of true happiness, mind you.

I looked upwards once more,

"My... you're quite the dancer, Monsieur..."
I spoke as we continued to stride across the stage.

"Hm, only the best for someone like you, Chérie," He spoke, his tone a little more assertive.

During the moment, he pulled out a rose from.. uh.. thin air? Whatever, it was magic and attractive so that's all I need to say.
He took the rose, holding it between his teeth like they'd do in those silly romance movies.
This... This was how it felt to be hopelessly in love, huh? How oddly pleasant.
And I think he could tell that I'd fallen...

"Smitten, eh?"
He gave a slight laugh,
"Adorable... Well, whilst we dance, why don't we also have a nice chat?" He asked, twirling me over with a smile.

"Hm, that certainly sounds appealing... Sure, why not? I'd love to get to know you.."
I was quick to respond, and to be honest? I do want to talk to him just a little more.
Although something was tugging at my mind that I knew him from somewhere... God, how much alcohol had I had tonight?
Whatever the amount, perhaps I should've noted that damned Water-Snorter's warnings about how "too much alcohol will have a negative effect" or something dumb...

"So uh.. Whaddya do when not just stealing women's hearts?"
I asked with a light giggle, our dance starting to slow down to that of a calm waltz.

He chuckled in response,
"Nothing too overly interesting, a somewhat simple life with some business on the side... What do you do?"

The question made me think things over.
What do I do that doesn't make me sound childish and a little reckless? I had to impress him of course..

"Huh... Well, I try to keep things interesting. I do a bit, well quite a lot, of performing and acting as a hobby. That's about it really, for interesting stuff..."

We chatted for a while, my eyes always locked with his.
My focus soon returned to the dance. Slow steps, calm yet loving motions. I've never had a dance like this in all my years of performing!
I turned to look at what the other guests were now doing, the majority of them now dancing alongside us on the stage as the band continued to play.
It had been such an amazing night! I really don't want it to end...
I suppose there's always some good after a while of annoyance and suffering, right?
I looked back into their eyes, those dark, red-crossed eyes that... Wait, I swear I've seen those eyes before.
I look back to their hands, the very recognisable discolouration of the skin...

"I can see most of that handsome face of yours, your rather distinguishable arms..."

Oh.. oh my god... It was HER.
That Cappucino woman!
She had actually come!? How... How didn't I realise sooner?? Well, the alcohol I'd presume...
Had I really mistaken her for some random man?? Ugh.. heck no...
But it was her. The Cappucino, Or something like that.
The woman who took me back to the palace, the one who I had dreamt about. The mortal who had actually stolen my divine heart... It still confuses me why I feel like this towards her, I'd never felt love, especially not romantic love...
Am I just weird, or is she somehow really that perfect? Whatever the case, I felt more human than I ought to be.

But you know what?

I don't care anymore.

I was drunkenly romantic dancing with the woman who'd stolen my heart a few days prior, and nothing could now get in my way! I can take the chance of freedom and love this party gave me, and finally do what I've longed to do for years...

Truly, find love...

"Uhm.. Miss-"
She went to speak, but I had already decided to make my move. A move I'd never even considered until now...

Getting on my tip-toes, I managed to reach her height. I cupped her cheek with my hand, roughly mimicking an old romance film I saw a few years ago.
I saw her blush, that adorable blush that rarely showed but when it did, was so cute...

Then, I went in for the long-awaited kill.
I pressed my lips to hers, softly kissing her.
The moment felt warm, I couldn't control what I was properly doing, but whatever I did, it felt right.
And I could swear she had almost reciprocated...
The moment was short and sweet, yet felt like an eternity.

Heh, Eternity.

I pulled away, looking at her face with a shy smile, my heart racing as I had just kissed.. like actually just kissed the love of my life...
My first kiss after like, 5 centuries of living, was at a masquerade ball, while I was drunk. What a silly night...

Well, it's a good thing we have our masks on, or I'd have been recognised and-

-"L-Lady Furina!?"

Uh... Cappucino(?) exclaimed in flustered surprise.

...Oh crap..

𝐴 𝑇𝑖𝑝𝑠𝑦 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐹𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒...~Where stories live. Discover now