Confession of an Archon...

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Furina leapt up and bolted out of her room, determined to find the woman before it was too late. She knew that there would be little chance she might have to confess her feelings to Arlecchino ever again if she let her go.

As she hurried down the stairs and reached the front door, Furina's heart raced with anticipation. She darted outside, scanning the court for any sign of Arlecchino or any trace of where she had gone. Just as she was about to run again, she felt a tap on her shoulder...

"Looking for someone, Ma chérie?"

The voice made Furina shiver, and she turned around to see Arlecchino standing there, her perfect silvery hair flowing softly with the breeze...
Furina blushed, feeling a grin tugging at her lips. She couldn't believe her luck.

"A-ah.. Miss Arlecchino, was it..? I need to talk to you."

Arlecchino smiled, she looked perfect...
"Of course, what would our dear Archon want from me?"

Furina fidgeted with her fingers, her heart beating fast as she looked away.

"When I saw you earlier.. And you took me back to my palace because I could barely walk straight.. I think it.. It was love at first sight.."

Furina gazed up into Arlecchino's eyes with hope,
"Could you give me a chance..? I can't get your gorgeous face out of my head... You make me feel things a God shouldn't normally experience.. like.. like romance... So please, can I be yours?"

Furina's tone seemed almost desperate, and Arlecchino chuckled lightly in response.
"A God, hopelessly infatuated with me? Hm.. that's adorable..."
Furina rolled her eyes, and Arlecchino's smile softened.
"But perhaps this wouldn't be a bad change of pace. And besides, you've got quite the adorable face, my little god.."
Arlecchino considers things for a moment,
"Then... I accept your little proposition dear, please come here.."
Arlecchino opens her arms, inviting Furina in for a warm hug. Furina stepped forward, her little face still coated in blush as she went to hug Arlecchino. The two shared a heartwarming embrace, their arms softly and sweetly wrapped around each other in a comforting and loving manner. Furina looked up, deep into Arlecchino's eyes, her own eyes wide in adoration. She felt herself start to lean in closer. Arlecchino noticed this and started to lean in as well. Then Furina tilted her head, and went in for a kiss and-


Furina jolts awake in a flustered panic at the sound of her mechanikal alarm...
She then realised it was only a dream.



Furina was about to scream in annoyance again but was soon interrupted by the already familiar painful sting of a hangover headache.
She had forgotten how drunk she had gotten yesterday...

Furina buried her still sleepy face in her largest pillow, regretting her foolish choice of drinking so carelessly last night...
But honestly, how else was she to forget her troubles?

She sighed to herself and looked over to her clock...

"Wha- 11am!?"

𝐴 𝑇𝑖𝑝𝑠𝑦 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐹𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒...~Where stories live. Discover now