6. Progress & Hesitation

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Rahn's confidence was beginning to wane. Six more days had passed and she hadn't seen the woman again, nor had she made any other contacts. She was glad Kahal wasn't meeting with her tomorrow as originally planned. He'd lose all confidence in her abilities to make progress. But she reminded herself that undercover work was a game of patience and perseverance. This rebel group was smart, they wouldn't go showing themselves to any random person that hints to being in line with their cause. Especially a newcomer to the area.

She reminded herself that these things took time. She could play the long game, if that's what it took. It's not like she had a life or loved ones waiting for her back in the grand hall, anyway. So on the third day of no contact she'd actually gone out and found a job instead of just pretending to look for one. One that would allow her to blend in with the community, be in the streets as needed where she could blend in with the crowds and listen in on conversations. A job where no one would think twice of her hanging around.

"You look bored." A barely audible, deep voice said from behind her.

She forced her body to not react, not turning to look at th male. "Do you ever do anything useful, or is your sole purpose to show up at random times and annoy me." She softly spoke back as she stabbed a discarded wrapper with her sharp metal stick and tossed it into the large bag hanging across her shoulder. He didn't respond but she knew he was still there. "Perhaps you could actually help me instead of being a distraction."

She risked a glance at him. He was leaning against the wall under the shade of an awning and eating an apple by bringing it up under his loosely hanging mask. She noted how easy it would be to just rip the thing off and get a look at him. When he was finished he tossed the core onto the ground in front of him. She watched as it rolled in a circular pattern before stopping right in front of her boot. She stabbed it and put it in her bag with the other trash.

She quickly picked up the remaining trash from the area and turned down a side alley to head towards a bin. She dumped the trash and glanced around to see no one around.

But just in case... "A street cleaner. What has become of you, Lana. You used to be a finance officer, and now look at you." She closed her eyes and exhaled a long breath, channeling the inner turmoil of the persona she had created for herself. She had given the backstory she'd chosen to Lord Kahal, trusting that he would do things on his end to make sure her story could be confirmed should anyone ask.

"Oh, that's right. Dumb premier and their stupid rules about being forgiving and understanding." She stabbed a nearby piece of trash with extra strength to show her frustration. "Funny how they didn't apply that to me after I was just trying to protect what was theirs."

"Taking your frustrations out on the trash?" An unfamiliar male voice called out to her.

She turned and looked at him warily and made sure to show a slight bit of surprise before responding. Here we go, she said to herself. "Yeah, well, it'll have to do." She said as she stabbed another piece and put it in the bin. "Unless you're volunteering as a replacement?" She turned and leaned her elbow on her stick, putting part of her weight into it.

"I think I'll pass."

"Smart choice." She said as she turned and continued on her way down the alley, stopping to collect trash along her way.

"Finance, huh?"

"Yeah." She said as she continued her job, just sending him a brief glance.

"Never was all that great with numbers myself."

"Yeah well, you always have your looks to fall back on." She commented wryly. The man was missing a tooth on the right side of his mouth and had a large scar covering the cheek on that same side. She was sure there was an interesting story there.

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